Archie and Jughead #3

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Requested by NixDunbarHale

Cheryl was very correct about having to explain shit to FP. Since FP has been in prison his only son came out as gay and started dating his gay sons gay friend who used to be straighter than a ruler. But hey, that's Riverdale. Jughead paced around the call room while the cops went to fetch his father.
"It'll be okay," Archie comforted him, "Don't worry." Jughead ran to the blue-elementary-school-kid chair and sat down to face his father. "I got it dad! I got the money!" FP's eyes lit up immediately and he smiled.
"Well done boy! I knew I could trust you Jug."
"Well dad I don't have the money yet, but we are going to sell this watch to get it." Jughead showed his father the watch, and to his dismay, watch his father grow a cold look on his face.
"You can't sell that!"
"Why?" FP leaned closer to glass, and whispered, as if it made a difference.
"Because it's stolen."
"What? You stole a $5000 watch?" Jughead whispered back.
"No! Well I helped, I was just a mediator."
"Then who stole it?"
"Alice Cooper, she needed the money you know now that Hal is no longer able to provide."
"Please tell me you didn't sleep with her after?"
"I... did, not," FP said, rather unconvincingly. Jughead sighed and felt his stress level go up.
"What do I do then?" FP waited a moment before his response.
"Take it Penny, she'll pay you handsomely for it."  Jughead held back his anger and looked at his dad.
"I don't want to get tangled in ghoulies mess again dad, are you sure?"
"I'm sure, if there's one thing Penny wants it's that watch." Jughead didn't ask questions, instead he stood and prepared to leave, before he did he said one last thing to his father.
"Dad, Betty and I are done, for good, so if you want Alice, go for it."
"What happened?"
"Turns out, I was gay." Jughead hung up the phone before FP could reply and grabbed Archie's hand as he ran out the door.
"That wasn't so hard to explain," Archie said.
"No, but we all know Cheryl tends to over dramatize things." And with that they got into the car and made their way to the SouthSide.

Penny's place was a little less daunting than usual, but that was probably because Archie was there. Archie and Jughead shared one last glance before stepping into Penny's shop. It appeared to be empty so Jughead cleared his throat, summoning the She demon from the back.
"Jughead!" She said, "I'm surprised your not dead yet."
"Ya well luck stops by every now and then." Penny let out a forced laugh before clearing her throat and folding her hands.
"What do you two want?" She finally sighed.
"It's what you want," Archie said, "word said you were looking for this." Archie held up the watch, the gold sparkling in Penny's low lit shop. Jughead has a small moment of satisfaction when he saw Peabody's face grow red with worry.
"Where'd you find that?" She asked, swear dripping down her forehead.
"We won it, at a school function. The school got it from an anonymous donation." Penny's breath became forced and she reached for the watch. Archie pulled it away before she could get it from his hand.
"We are here to give it back," he told her, "we are here to sell it to you."
"What makes you think I want to buy it?"
"Just a gut feeling," Jughead replied. Penny huffed and put her head in her arms.
"How much?"
"$10 000" Jughead knew it was double the price and a long shot, but Wayne Gretzky said 'you miss 100% of the shots you don't take' what? Jughead has brushed up on his sports when he got a crush on Archie.
"Six," penny debated.
"Eight." Penny though for a moment before nodding.
"Deal, I'll round up the cash. I'll give it to you tomorrow." Tomorrow? Is that the best you can do Jughead thought. Jughead was going to say something but decided against it, in case Penny changed her mind. FP would just have to spend one more night behind bars.
"SweetWater bridge, at 11 tomorrow morning. Get the cash by then or it's ours," Archie demanded, taking charge. The others nodded and Archie and Jughead left Penny's and went back in the car.
"What now?" Archie asked.
"We wait."
"I guess, I'm pretty hungry."
"Well I'm starving, then you can come and stay over at my place till the time comes." Archie said, that same look of glee in his eyes.
"I'd like that, let's go." They went to Pops and enjoyed burgers and milkshakes. They talked, for a long time, because hey had a lot to catch up on. Archie admitted that his father knew and that Veronica was angry at him because he lied. He also explained how Kevin knew and how they almost a fling but decided against it because Archie liked Jughead.
"Well I'm glad your with me," Jughead laughed, "don't get me wrong Kevin is a bro, but that's all he is-a bro-and I can't see either of us with him."
"Ya me neither. You ready to go Jughead?" Jughead wiped his hands with a napkin and set on the table.
"Totally." They both left tens on the table and stood up. They held hands as they walked through the parking lot to the car that would get them to Archie Andrews house. Archie Andrews bedroom. Jughead couldn't wait.

Sorry for the delay hopefully it's up to your standards☺️

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