Betty and Sweet Pea #3

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Requested by bestofbugheaddd

The first one to notice her necklace was Veronica, which wasn't a surprise. Veronica had begged Betty to tell her who it was from, trying to take it from her. "It couldn't have been Jughead, he won't even look at you right now," she had said.
"Oh that's real kind of you," Betty replied sarcastically.
"Sorry, it's just the suspense is killing me."
"It's not from anybody, just the apparent love of my life and person I had sex with last night."
"What?!" Veronica said simultaneously with Cheryl, who had just entered the room.
"Yeah, it was probably the most perfect night of my life." Betty smiled, tingling with the memories of last night.
"Okay, you have to tell us now," Cheryl pleaded.
"I'll give you a hint, it's not Archie." Both Veronica and Cheryl huffed with frustration before standing up and saying their farewells to each other as the bell rang. Betty chuckled as she watched they're growing frustration and made her own way to class. While walking down the hallway she was ambushed by on Sweet Pea.
"I heard you saying all those kind things about me to your friends," he smiled.
"Oh, well I may have been exaggerating a bit," Betty started to breath heavily.
"Ahaha, I'm sure you were. Now, why don't we skip this next class and role play the best part about last night?" Betty really wanted to say yes. All of her wanted to say yes, but she had to maintain her grades. They had dropped for a while there and it had been extremely difficult to get them back up. Well maybe not extremely, but difficult nonetheless.
"I'd love too," she whispered, getting sweet Pea excited. "But I have Physics 30, I cant miss another class." Sweet Pea nodded and stepped away.
"I get it, but don't have any homework, I'm taking you on a date tonight!" He called as he started to do a happy skip to class.
"Will it end like the last one?"
"If you want it to!" He shouted his answer and stepped inside his class just as the bell rang.

Problem, problem, problem! Shit shit shit! Sweet Pea thought when he saw Jughead, Toni and Fangs approaching him.
"Really Sweet Pea? Of all the fine girls in this school you choose mine?" Jughead scolded. Right after Sweet Pea has gone into his class, his friends had ambushed him. There was no teacher in the room so they cornered him as the class watched.
"She's not 'your girl' this isn't frickin four hundred years ago, you don't own her."
Jughead sighed angrily and back up a step.
"Betty and I have history, you can't win this war."
"Betty and I have Chemistry, you can't win this... uh, this duel!"
"Nice try sweet Pea, you'll put pun him next time," fangs commented from behind Jughead.
"What makes you think you have 'chemistry'" Jughead said, making air quotations with his hands.
"The fact that she's been crushing on me while she was dating you for pretty much the whole time you've been together." Jughead looked taken aback, but not deterred. "She settles for you, Jughead, but she's happy with me." Jughead backed off, getting a shocked look from Toni. "Jughead if you cared about Betty so much, why'd you let her take that heat from chuck yesterday?" Sweet Pea said, more friendly and gentle this time.
"Because I... I don't have to explain myself. Just stay away from me!" Jughead bolted behind sweet pea and into the halls of Riverdale high, leaving the class staring after him.

"Jughead knows about us?"
"He or someone else must've saw us in the hallway."
"I guess, I wanted him to be told, you know, by you." Betty explained.
"So did I, I'm his bud, his family. It should've come from me." He concurred. They sat there in silence, perhaps mourning the loss of a friend, or perhaps feeling guilty.
"He'll get over it tho, right?" Betty asked.
"Let's hope so, or else she should be afraid of what he might do."

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