Jughead and Cheryl #3

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Requested by TheGreatestofAllTim1 AmalToafik

K so I realize that way back when I done goofed because I had two chughead part twos, but one of them didn't fit the storyline. So, I changed it to a Cheryl and Jughead extra and there is an existing part one and a part two, this is part three. My apologies for the confusion.

Cheryl collapsed on the door step, it took every part of her being to knock loudly enough on the door for someone to hear. She forced her eyes to stay open, and for her mind to stay conscious.
"Helllllp.... please...." she groaned. Finally the door opened, Cheryl almost falling into the foye.
"Cheryl? You can't be here." Josie said, arms crossed.
"Jos...ie..." Cheryl pushes her coat aside, revealing the nail marks, and her cut hands. Josie's eyes widened as she stared at her ex-best friend.
"Oh my god. Mom!" She hollered. Cheryl blinked, not wanting to open her eyes again, but Josie shook her.
"Cheryl stay awake." Josie was looking in her eyes, but Cheryl could barely see her.
"Josie why are you standing in the-oh my god," Sierra choked, looking at her daughter helping the bloodied girl.
"Tom! Kevin! I need you to call an ambulance!"
"Why?!" Cheryl could hear them call.
"Damnit tom just do it!!" Before Cheryl knew what happened, she fell asleep. Right there, on the porch in the rain. Josie looking into her eyes, begging her to keep them open.

"Jughead?" Cheryl asked. She looked around, but he was nowhere to be seen. This was weird, because she was in his trailer. "Jughead?" She called again. Still no answer. She rolled her legs to the corner of the bed and tried to stand. Instead, she fell flat on her face, unable to catch herself.
"What the?" She looked at her arms, and saw that at the tip, there were no hands. Panicking she looked behind her and saw that her right leg below the knee was gone.
"No!" She yelled. But no one seemed to hear. Suddenly she felt herself fading away, falling into darkness. Disappearing...

"Cheryl? Cheryl?" Jughead asked as his girl was unloaded from the ambulance-barely conscious.
"M..." she whispered. "Mo...m"
"Mom?" She looked at him, with those knowing eyes. "Mom!" He turned to sheriff Keller, who was helping the EMTs.
"Sheriff, I think something happened to Penelope Blossom."
"What? Why?" He grumbled.
"I don't know... Cheryl had a look."
"Yeah, a very unconscious one." Jughead sighed with irritation and approached Kevin and Josie instead.
"Guys i think something happened at thistle house."
"No shit Sherlock, Cheryl tried to kill herself." Josie responded. Jughead gave her an angry glare before continuing.
"No, Cheryl and her mom have been fighting. Penelope tried to kill her just yesterday, she has marks on her neck." Josie, now intrigued, had a worried look.
"Those are from her mom?"
"And you think something went down before... this?" Kevin asked.
"I do, I think Penelope attacked her and Cheryl did something... I think Cheryl killed her and then tried to kill herself." The three gave each other looks of superstition before Kevin slid into the drivers seat.
"Get in," he said, before fastening his seatbelt. I'll be back soon Cheryl. Just hold on.

I hope Jughead got my message, Cheryl thought, in her almost unconscious state. The only thing keeping her awake were the bright lights of the hospital ER, and the screaming child in the bed next to her. She replayed that moment, over and over in her head, trying to make sense of it. What the hell was I doing? She asked herself. She couldn't remember why she did it. Perhaps she didn't want to.

Jughead, Kevin and Josie walked up the long cobblestone pathway to thistle house, running in the rainstorm. The door was open and the hateful rain streamed inside. Jughead ran into the house, followed by his friends, and blinked to adjust his eyes to the darkness. When he opened them he saw her. Penelope Blossom. Her decrepit body lying in a pool of blood, her had still clutching her stomach. Her eyes were open and rolled to the floor. Blood trickled out of her mouth and nose, adding to monsoon of blood already there. The room smelled of blood and rain. A large knife, coated in the red liquid, lay nearby, along with a small pistol. Josie started to run over to Penelope, but Jughead stopped her.
"It's too late, Josie." Josie choked and ducked her head into Kevin's arm. Jughead pulled out his phone and called 911, only for Sheriff Keller to pick up.
"Hey, you know how I said I think something happened to Penelope Blossom?"
"Jughead? Is this you? Where are you?"
"Sherif Keller, Penelope Blossom is dead. You should come to thistle house right away." The sherif was silent for a moment, before replying with a simple "I'm on my way." Jughead closed his phone, and he, Kevin and Josie, stood there awaiting the police as they stared at the deceased, trying to figure out what went down.

Cheryl awoke calmly, the first in forever. It was not long ago when she had woke up next to Jughead, and had his from the evil ghoulie Peabody in his closet. Look at her now. She turned her head to see Jug, smiling and sitting in the chair beside her.
"Cheryl," he smiled before he kissed her. "I'm so glad you're okay." Cheryl just ran her fingers through his hair and stared at him in the eyes, and for a moment, things were perfect. But when she saw the bandages on her hands, she was reminded of what she woke up to.
"My mom?" She asked. Jughead bit his lip and bowed his head, a daunting sign.
"I'm sorry Cheryl, she didn't make it." Cheryl swallowed and bit back tears. She was a murderer. Worse than her mother. No better than her father.
"What happens now?" She whimpered to Jughead.
"I don't know. I do know, however, that I'm going to be here the whole time, to make sure you make it to the finish."
"Jug what happens if I go to jail?"
"You won't."
"How do you know?"
"Because I know that once the world sees who you really are, behind the dark and twisty, they'll love you. I know I did."
"Jughead Jones, is this your creative way of saying I love you?"
"It is." Cheryl smiles and kissed him.
"I love you too," she whispered to him. And for the first time ever, Cheryl felt safe. She felt like she might have a chance. She wanted to live.

Ohohoho. That's 3. 3 done. Okay so again this is the real part three, I hope you enjoyed, and let's pray there's actually a new Riverdale this week.

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