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+ intro +


Why we had to move was something that confused me more than anything, everything was going fine in Australia, better than fine even, perfect. So why my father had made the decision to drop all of that to move to Canada perplexed me. We were the perfect model family to those around us, there was nothing anyone could do to make my life any better, but we just had to move to the other side of the world, leaving all that behind.

My father, Charles, was a Doctor, one of the best in the city, in the country even, depending on who you asked. He had his own practice, and he was renowned within the town, he knew everything and everyone which seemed to help our family's reputation within the city. My mother, Elizabeth, being the nothing but the perfect housewife and mother, and an elite socialite with the rest of the wealthiest wives in Australia was on the top of everyone's guest lists.

My brother, Thomas, was and would always be the golden child. Perfect test results that led to him to being accepted into one of the best colleges in the country, but he ultimately decided to spend a year with us in Canada before returning to continue his studies. And on top of that he was true gentleman with a handsome face and good personality, a smile which managed to melt almost all the girls he crossed paths with.

Then there was me, Catherine, or Kate for short to my family and friends. I was smart but not as smart as Tom, pretty but not as pretty as other girls, well mannered, but could always improve on her etiquette according to my tutor.

Canada was only supposed to be temporary, but they way my father talked about it, we all knew it was going to last longer than what ever temporary meant to him. His job was going perfectly fine, but apparently we had to move to another continent for a 'change of pace'. Yet this was a lot more than a small change. Change to me meant buying a new set of curtains, or moving your bed to the other side of the room, not exactly leaving my home behind in favour of this new life.

We were wealthy, and by that I mean rather rich, with fine China, diamond earrings and puffy dresses my whole life this would be a change. Father said we'd live in a small farming town not far from the place he'd be working. What I had read about Canada was that it was cold and wet, which is exactly the opposite of what i was used to.

As I looked out of the train window, only greenery flashing past as we moved along the tracks, the whistle blowing every once in a while. My navy blue pants were covering my legs and a white blouse was covered up by my long coat, a hat atop of my head as my blonde hair fell down my back. When we got on the train I realised I saw no other woman or girls in pants at the station, maybe it just wasn't the fashion here as much as it was back home.

I twiddled with my pearl bracelet I had around my wrist, turning each sphere over and over again between my finger and thumb, rubbing my skin over the smooth surface. Tom was sitting next to me, his shiny shoe tapping on the floor rhythmically, his fingers twiddling against each other as he stared out the window on the other side of the train.

"You nervous?" I asked, brushing some of my blonde hair away from my eyes, and tucking it back into my hat. He looked up at me, cocking his head to the side as he flashed me one of his toothy smooth smiles which made me smile back at him, shaking his head softly. "No, not really" he said, his voice oozing confidence as I nodding my head at him, knowing that I was the exact opposite of him.

That's one thing that was different between us two, he never really got scared, he always knew what to  do and what to say, while I improvised everything I did, hoping it turned out good and everyone would be pleased. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll make friends" he said with reassurance, but I wasn't as confident as he seemed to be in this situation.


A/N: Hey my dudes, welcome to my new book.
I started writing this book before season 3 even came out so if there's inconsistencies to the timeline, that's why!
Plus this is a fanfiction so it's probably going to be nothing like the new series, which I haven't seen yet, so i'm not sure, but it may follow some of the episode structures who knows!
I planned this book to be after season 2, so please buckle your seatbelts and enjoy this book

 I started writing this book before season 3 even came out so if there's inconsistencies to the timeline, that's why! Plus this is a fanfiction so it's probably going to be nothing like the new series, which I haven't seen yet, so i'm not sure, bu...

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