Chapter 108- Interview

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I sat at a chair in front of Dylan and so did Adam.

"Sooo I'm still playing some requested songs right now." Dylan gazed at the radio controls and looked back at us.

"But after that, we can have the interview. " Dylan smiled.

"Cool." I smiled back.

For a while, there was an awkward silence as we thought hard for any topic to just blurt out.

I looked at Dylan. Nothing's changed. Still has beautiful blonde hair, model like features,  skinny yet slightly muscled body, fair skin. He still wears tight shirts and tight jeans. He still has that amazing British accent. Nothing's changed. Basically, he didn't even grow a beard or grew any taller.

And honestly, his quirky and fun personality hasn't changed either.

"Sooo..." Dylan patted his thighs. Finally. "How are you? How's life been?"

"Good, I guess." I shrugged casually.

"You guess? Mandy, you're about to become a famous popstar... I'm pretty sure you're more than good." Dylan raised an eyebrow and grinned.

"Okay, okay." I laughed.

"It feels awesome." I rolled my eyes.

"How awesome?" Dylan teased.

"Dammit Dylan, this isn't the interview yet, okay?" I laughed.

"Touche." Dylan gave a half smile.

Dylan put on his large headphones and spoke into the mic.

Adam led me to the other mic and we both sat down. I looked at Adam and smiled. He smiled back and put his hand on my thigh.

"Let's welcome..." Dylan winked at us. " ADAM LAMBERT AND MANDY BRIIIIGHT!!!" he pointed at us.

Adam and I greeted into the mic.

"So, how are you two doing?"

"We're fine. A few couple of bruises but nonetheless, fine." Adam spoke into the mic, smiling.

Dang.... he's so cute when he's being interviewed.

Oh c'mon Mandy, you think he's cute whatever he does.

"Oh yes. Do you guys want to talk about what happened recently... or..."

"It's okay." Adam grinned.

"Mandy? " Adam faced me and smiled. "Will you do the honors?"


Okay okay.

Calm down, Mandy. Calm down.

"Okay, Mandy. Can you tell us what happened?" Dylan looked at me. "This is the first time that the public would hear the beautiful girlfriend of Adam, right?"

I chuckled. What?

"Yes." I nodded, smiling.

Dylan chuckled as well.

"Anyways, can you tell us what happened?"

"Well, it was really frightening, I'll tell you that. I felt like it would be the day that I'd die." I spoke.

Adam gave me an encouraging look to continue.

"Mixed feelings of fright, sadness, stress and anger overflowed in me. And I mean, Adam wasn't there with me at first. So I really just felt lost." I cringed at the memory of that incident.

"And it happened to be that the mastermind was your best friend, right?" Dylan asked, his face worried.

I sighed and looked down. "Yep."

"Why do you think she did it?"

She did it because of her wild and unhealthy obsession with my boyfriend.

"I don't know..." I answered instead.

"Mmm...." Dylan looked at me with worry.

"It was a good thing that your friend, Ashley, was there to call the police huh." Dylan looked at Adam.

"Yeah. It's very uh... brave of her to do it." Adam smiled.

We talked more about what happened for an hour.

"And rumours say that you're working on your album, right?" Dylan asked me.

"Mmm.... Well... I don't wanna say anything but I just advise you all to stay updated. " I giggled.

"Well, you heard it folks!" Dylan looked at me and smiled.

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