Chapter 21- I love you but...

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"We need to go." Isaac said and gestured for the others to follow him, as if it was all planned.

"Yeah... Nice meeting you, Mandy." Ashley gave me a quick hug goodbye.

"Bye!" Tommy called out. "Good luck, dude." Tommy snickered and poked Adam's shoulder. Adam just rolled his eyes. From what I've seen, I guessed that Tommy and Adam are really close. I've also heard Tommy's name countless times, from Alice. I never paid any attention though.

They all went to the elevator snickering and laughing. They were probably talking about Adam.

Once they were gone, Adam let out a big sigh of relief. "Thank God they're gone."

"Mhmm..." I nodded and looked at him."You were blushing..." I teased.

"Was I?" he raised his eyebrow and grinned. I chuckled and he took my hand.

He led me to the table and pulled my seat for me to sit down.

"You like it?" he smiled shyly once we took a bite. It was fish fillet with orange sauce that I've tasted before when I go to fancy restaurants, which I hardly do. Like I said, I don't like fancy restaurants. But I liked the food that was on my plate.

"It's great." I took another spoonful. It really tasted great and I could hardly stop from eating.

He grinned and pointed my plate. "I cooked it actually."

"What? Really?" I asked in shock.

He cooks?

Adam Lambert cooks?

"Uhuh." he gave a sure smile.

"It's so awesome!" I complimented him.

"I know." he smiled confidently.

"Okay, okay. Don't let it get to your head." I chuckled and so did he.

The entire dinner we just talked about different stuff. I asked him how awesome a life of a famous rock star is, and he would always just humbly tell me stories and stuff. He told me that he'll be in our town for two more weeks, at the end of the month. This news made me sad.

I don't want Adam to go...

"Ya done?" he asked when he noticed that my plate was empty.

"Yep." I answered delightfully.

" C'mon." he asked for my hand and led me near the edge of the building.

I trembled. I really hate heights. Ever since I was even a kid. I hated it so badly. I don't know why, I just hated it.

He noticed that I hesitated and looked at me sincerely. "Don't worry." he smiled.


With him, I just feel so safe and protected.

We didn't really go to edge of the building. Instead, he sat down near it.

I looked at him in confusion and he patted the space beside him, signalling me to sit down with him.

"Okay, what's this?" I scoffed.

He laid down and looked at me. I answered his look with a confused look. Like what do you want, bruh?

"Lie down." he spoke softly. His voice seemed so relaxed.

"Um..." I hesitated.

"Don't worry. I'm behaved." he chuckled.

(Soundtrack play: Fields by Adam Lambert)

I smiled, knowing that Adam won't do anything bad to me, and laid down beside him. He had his arm under my neck and I rested my head on his chest. I placed one hand on his tummy and he wrapped his arm by my shoulder.

His scent... Again....

So protected and safe...

"Look up." he pointed up at the sky. I followed his demand and was surprised.

The whole dark sky was filled with tons of bright and sparkly stars. Cold wind rushed through my legs, causing me to shiver. If daytime was hot, night time was super cold.

"Wow." I exclaimed and nudged closer to Adam so I could share his heat. It was super cold.

There was silence for a few minutes as we just both looked at those amazing stars. The silence wasn't awkward or weird. It was perfect; just having this amazing moment with Adam. Wrapped in his arms and covered by his alluring scent...

"I love you, Mandy." he suddenly spoke.



He loves me...

Did I hear that right?

I was in shock. My whole body trembled at those words, my mind goes absolutely dumb and my heartbeat started to accelerate quickly, making me feel weird... and yet so perfect. Like I wanted him to repeat those words over and over again on replay.

I was speechless and I couldn't do anything but just look up at him.

"I mean- I know we just met. And you probably hardly even know me. I don't even know why. But that moment I bumped into you, I immediately knew that I just had to see you again. And the more I see you, the more I fall for you." he explained and I saw him blush a little.

"Adam, I-" I was still speechless. I didn't know what to say.

He looked deep into my soul with those eyes. No matter what color of contact lenses he would wear, it would always be able to go through my soul.

"I love you..." I muttered.

Woah! Did I just say that?

Was that me?

Was that my voice?

"But..." I suddenly thought of all the consequences and reasons why we shouldn't be together.

I'm sorry, Alice's advice.... Prepare to be ignored.

"What's wrong?" he asked softly and furrowed his eyebrows in worry.

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