Chapter 99- You can now see Adam

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"Mandy..." I felt a tap on my shoulder.


Don't these people know that I'm sleeping?

Five more minutes, mom. Dang, school's not supposed to start in like an hour or something.

"Mandy... Wake up hon" my mom's voice was blurry.

"Five more minutes, mom..." I grunted and pulled up the covers.

Suddenly, I felt something big object fall down on my body which shot my entire body up.

"There's no school today, idiot." the talking anchor that fell down on me laughed.

"I'm awake!" I tried to push away the heavy anchor that was placed on my body. How can anything be so heavy? I think my bones just snapped a bit.

Finally, with great effort, I was able to push it away. I looked where it... oh wait, he... fell. Why he, you may ask? Because it wasn't a talking anchor, UNFORTUNATELY... it was my very irritating and beloved brother, Kent.

"Kent?! How can you be that heavy? You're like a talking anchor or something..." I sat up and rubbed my eyes sleepily.

"Talking anchor? School? Sis, I think you got amnesia..." he placed his hand on my shoulder. I looked around and saw Tommy and Ashley snickering, my mom talking to my dad, and the whole hospital atmosphere. Oh that's right... I'm at the hospital.

"Either that, or you're just really, really, really, really, stupid..." he gave me a look of fake concern. "And I think the second possibility is more likely to be the reason." he snickered.

I rolled my eyes.

Typical Kent...

"Kent, stop that. For goodness sake, you two are adults, not five year old kids." my mom approached us and fixed some of the clutter on the bedside table.

"Uh... mom... I think Mandy still thinks she's in elementary sooo...." Kent teased.

"Shut up." I glared at him.

"Jus sayin" he raised his shoulders in all FAKE innocence.

"The doctor told us you can now see Adam. So we woke you up and...." my mom started but I didn't let her finish.

"Oh my gosh! What?! Really?! Please tell me you guys aren't clowning around. PLEASE MOM! PLEASE..." I looked at my mom in excitement.

"No, we're not Mandy." my mom gave a small smile.

Those words of confirmation filled my heart with so much unexplainable happiness. I really miss Adam... and being able to know that I can see him is just... WOW.

"Do you wanna go now or..." my mom asked.

"YES!" I answered immediately. Then I realized I was over enthusiastic because everyone stopped an looked at me. "I mean..." I cleared my throat. "Yes, of course." I said quietly with a small smile.

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