Chapter 114- Cheesy

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"Damn..." Tommy tilted his head, his eyes following a tall, blonde and tanned girl in bikini shorts passing by.


The girl gave Tommy a little daring smile.

We were at a pizza place in West Hollywood, near Adam's house. The entire day, Adam, Ashley and Tommy toured me around Hollywood. And it was a fantastic experience. My iphone's memory was already full from taking too much pictures. And having Tommy, Ashley and , of course, Adam there... it made the experience more fun and exciting.

Suddenly, Ashley gave Tommy a slap on the back of his head.

"Ow!" Tommy glared at her.

Ashley just gave an arrogant smile.

"I was kidding, okay?" Tommy gave an innocent smile.

"Sure you were honey." Ashley made a face.

"C'mere you." Tommy gave Ashley a big bear hug, wrapping her around his arms. Ashley still kept her stubborn face.

Adam chuckled. "You guys are so cheesy."

Adam put his arm around me and leaned on the seat of the couch.

"Like you two aren't." Tommy rolled his eyes at us, keeping his arms wrapped around Ashley.

I laughed. "Not as cheesy as that." Then I lifted my iced tea to drink.

"Pshhh. You guys must be the cheesiest couple on this planet. So cheesy that it makes even us throw up a little in our mouths." Ashley commented.

"What are you talking about? You guys are super cheesy. You're cheesier than this damn pizza, for pete's sake." Tommy rolled his eyes.

This time, Ashley was lightening up and she put her hands on Tommy's arm and they swayed like kids.

"Um... based from what I'm seeing right now, I think you guys are waaay cheesy." I pointed my drink at them.

"Mhmm..." Adam leaned forward and agreed.

"Do you guys notice how weird it is that we've said the word cheesy for like seven times?" Ashley said in an innocent voice.

We all laughed and agreed.

"Mandy?" I suddenly heard someone call me from my back.

I turned my head and saw...

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