Chapter 7- A night with the star *NO PUN INTENDED*

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"Two cheeseburgers and two fries." Adam ordered at the food truck guy.

"I'll pay." I said immediately when I saw Adam take out money from his wallet.

He chuckled. "Don't worry. I'll pay."


"A a a." he stopped me and shook his finger in front of me. Fine.

I just gave him a smirk. I was really glad that we just got food here and not at some fancy dinner restaurant, because I really don't do good with fancy places. I have never really liked gourmet meals; it doesn't suit my taste. I mean, a chicken on a plate seems good, then they pour some weird sauce that just ruins everything.

And besides, if we went to a public restaurant, we would probably be able to hardly eat because of tons of people saying Oh, you're Adam and Can I take a picture with you? and other stuff like that.

At least, that's my logic.

"Is it alright with you to eat here?" he looked at me as if he thought that I wasn't used to these stuff like a rich little socialite who doesn't eat street food.

Hey, I'm a waitress at a cafe. And I live in a crappy and jail-like apartment.

I can eat anything.

"Hey, you're the famous star. Not me." I reassured him.

"Touché." he grinned and raised one eyebrow. I just chuckled.

"Wait, I don't even know your name." he grinned.

"It's Mandy Bright. At your service." I joked curtsied.

"Mandy Bright." he narrowed his eyes and grinned.

"Here you go." the food truck guy gave us our cheeseburgers and fries.

"Thanks." he gave the money and handed me my cheeseburger and fries.

"Wait, Adam Lambert? THE ADAM LAMBERT?" the food truck guy suddenly exclaimed and tilted his head to look at Adam.

"Uh.. Yeah." Adam gave a nice smile.

"Man, my daughter is your number one fan." he smiled from ear to ear. Judging from his looks at first, I didn't think he had any children. He had tattoos and piercings on his body and his body looked thin. Lesson learned. Don't judge a book by it's cover.

"Wow. That's great." Adam smiled sincerely.

"Is it okay if you sign this album of yours I bought her? She would love that." the guy said excitedly and took out Adam's album with his picture (of course) and the name Trespassing.

This guy is a great dad. 

"Sure." Adam smiled and took the album.

"Here." the guy gave him a pen and Adam signed it.

Adam smiled and gave him the album with his sign on it.

"Thank you so much, man." the guy grinned.

"You're welcome." Adam smiled and got his food.

Then we started to walk down the street. I wasn't sure where we were going, exactly. I knew my apartment was so not in this direction.

"You seem real nice to your fans." I complimented him and took a bite off of my burger. E really did seem so nice to his fans. Not that I'm saying he's nice only to his fans. But something about his smile a while ago just gave me the sense that he wasn't just faking it.

"Yeah. I love my Glamberts." he said and took one fry.

"That's a really nice name. Did you think of it?" I grinned. No sarcasm intended.

"No, they did actually." he said and looked at me.

"Oh. Cool." I said casually.

"That's why I love them, you know. They're always there to support me no matter what I do or no matter what people say about me." he explained and looked at me.

They do.

At least from what I've seen with Alice. She really squeals at Adam's pictures or videos all the time, no matter how he looks. And she defends him with much determination when someone tells her that He's gay or You like him? or even when someone just asks her who Adam Lambert is. She was even mad at me for a whole day when I told her Adam's gay and blah blah.

"My best friend's a glambert, actually."  I added.

"Really?" he smiled.

"Yeah." I answered.

"So that's why you were at my acoustic performance last time." he looked at me like he just caught me in the act. " I saw you, you know." he added.

"Where? At the studio?" I asked.

"Yeah. At the front seats. And you got out early." he pretended to be mad.

"Yeah." I laughed. " My brother was calling."

"You have a brother?" he bit the burger and looked at me.

"Yeah. He's lives in France." I smiled.

"Wait, you're French?" he asked in confusion.

"What?" I laughed. "No, dummy. He moved there."

"Oh, So I'm a dummy now?" he smirked.

"Yeah. A giant dummy." I joked. "Damn. Do you know how tall you are?"

"Yeah, it makes me look sexy, doesn't it?" he raised one eyebrow and smiled, pretending to be sexy. To be honest, he does seem sexy.

"Yeah, it does." I laughed and put the cover of the burger I just finished in the near trash can that I saw.

"Oh, my hotel's right around here." he pointed at the turn near us. "Where do you even live?"

"Oh, actually I live the other way." I pointed behind me.

"Well why didn't you say anything?" he asked in shock.

"It's alright. I'll take a cab." I smiled. Yeah, I said that to Alice too. And I ended up catching my breath and nearly passing out from exhaustion.

"No, you're not. I'll drive you there." he snickered.


"Nope. You're coming with me." he grabbed my wrist and pulled me away before I could even say anything.

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