Chapter 100- I'd rather die a million deaths...

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I opened the door to Adam's room and found Adam talking to the nurse with a small smile... Oh gosh, that smile... Oh gosh... Oh gosh... HYPER.... VENTILATING!!!! SHUT UP, MANDY! MAN UP... I mean, WOMAN UP! My parents decided to leave me an Adam alone for some privacy. And luckily, the nurses allowed me to wear jeans under my hospital gown.

I opened the door further and Adam caught a glimpse of me and immediately had a shocked and happy look on his face.

"Mandy!" Adam tried to sit up but suddenly yelped in pain.

"Adam... calm down." the nurse laughed and settled him down.

"I'll leave you two alone. I'm gonna check up on you again later." she gave both of us a I-know-y'all-want-privacy-cause-you're-a-couple-and-I'd-only-be-disturbing-you-two smile. Then she walked out the room.

After the door shut closed, I turned to Adam and just looked into his eyes.

I miss him so much... I love him... Is he hurt?....This is all my fault...

"Adam..." I suddenly felt tears roll down my cheeks and I froze there... just crying.

Mandy! You wanted to see Adam and now you got the chance. What are you doing freezing and crying, stupid?!

"Mandy... what the... come here!" Adam's eyes were wide in shock and it seemed like he wanted to come to me himself... if only he wasn't so much in pain.

I walked to Adam and hugged him like a three year old kid who got bullied at school.

Adam wrapped his arms around me.

"Why are you crying?" Adam lifted up my chin with his thumb and wiped away my tears.

"Because..." I sniffed. " This is all my fault. It's my fault why you're there in that hospital bed with a gun wound. It's my fault why you're in pain. I should be the one there, not you. I'm just so stupid! My brother was right, my inside voice was right, I AM STUPID!" I sobbed, trying to catch my breath.

"Shush shush shush..." Adam looked into my eyes and gave a small smile. "It's not your fault, okay?" he chuckled.

"Did you know your best friend was evil from the start?" he raised an eyebrow.

"No..." I sniffed. (Dang, I really DO feel like a three year old kid)

"Did you know that I would get shot?" he moved and let me sit down beside him, at the small space of the hospital bed.

"No... but-"

"Are you a fortune teller? Are you from the future?" he grinned.

I shook my head and looked down.

"Then it's not your fault." he laughed. "Yeah, you ARE stupid. You're stupid cause you're taking the blame for what is clearly not your fault, I'll tell you that." he said matter of factly.

"That's mean, Adam." I pouted.

"Is it? You said it first." he raised an eyebrow.

"Mandy..." he looked at me with those blue and electric eyes. "I love you... So I'd rather die a million deaths just so you won't be in pain." he said softly as he took my hand.


"I know it sounds cliché but... I really DO mean it." he smiled.


I couldn't help it. I leaned closer and hugged him tightly.

"Ouch!" Adam yelped.

"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry!" I shot up.

"Yeah..." he chuckled. "I don't think I'm up for any hugs right now..."

"Aww..." I frowned.

"But I can settle for a kiss." he gave me a seductive look.

"Well..." I gave a half smile. "The patient MUST be treated." I chuckled.

Then I leaned in closer and gave him a soft, sweet and electrifying kiss... I closed my eyes to savor the moment as he held my face.

I missed this...

I love him so much...

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