Chapter 33- I want to be with you

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Adam's POV

Okay, no matter what happens. I WILL pick up Mandy.

That smile she gave me a while ago before I dropped her off, showed so much disappointment and sureness that I really can't pick her up. She looked like she's been wanting to really spend some time with me. So do I.

Yeah. But my manager thinks otherwise.

"What are you doing here?" the restroom door opened and I saw from the reflection of the restroom mirrors that it was my manager.

"Hey..." I started the subject quickly. I need to go to Mandy. "Um.. I really have somewhere to go. " I squinted my eyes and grinned, hoping he'll just say freaking yes.

"You're right." he spoke sincerely. Yasss! "and that somewhere is outside, with all those famous people. I need to introduce you to someone." Uggghhh!

"Yeah but-" I spoke up but he cut me off.

"Look Adam, I need you to do this. You've told me yourself that you worked real hard to earn your life right now. You can't give that up for some.... place you need to go to. God knows where that is." he walked closer, his arms folded and his look serious.

"Hey, I thought it's my vacation right now." I reasoned.

"Vacation meets meeting people you can work with." he gave me a sure look.

"But-" I tried to explain.

"No Adam." he looked at me with seriousness. " Where do you need to go, anyway?" he looked at me like wherever I needed to go was totally not worth my time... or his.


I sighed. If I tell him that I fell for Mandy and I'm willing to sabotage my career for her, he would never let me leave my house. He'd probably even ban me from seeing her.

"Nowhere." I muttered, looking at my shoes, avoiding his pressuring gaze.

"There's my guy." he put his arm around me, shaking me with pride and giving a wide smile. "Now put on a nice and friendly Hollywood smile out there, and go have fun. This'll help you, I swear." he encouraged me.

"Yeah, Okay." I gave a small and fake smile.

"Okay, I'll meet you outside." he said enthusiastically and got out of the restroom.

I sighed.


I decided to let her know. I took out my iPhone.

Hey Mandy,

I'm sorry but... I can't

pick you up today as well.

I'm so so sorry. I'll make it

up to you. I promise.


I let out another disappointed sigh before pressing send.

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