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I was laying in the bed staring off into the dark as I couldn't sleep due to crying and thinking alternating between two songs which was "broken hearted" and "almost doesn't count" both by Brandy.

I don't know why I felt like this was my fault. All I wanted was to be happy with my kids and my significant other but shit don't ever seem to work out.

"Gonna find me somebody
Not afraid to let go
Want a no doubt be there kind of man
You came real close
But everytime you built me up
You only let me down
And everybody knows
Almost doesn't count"

tears fell from my eyes every time I heard this verse. I placed on my beats as the music just connected to the headsets as I got up and went into T'Challa and I's room quietly as he was sleeping and I went into the closet pulling out a big suitcase placing my stuff in it.

There was a knock on the room door as I hurried and turned the light out in the closet so T'Challa wouldn't see me there was another knock as I heard the covers move back.

"What's wrong?" I heard T'Challa ask "I can't sleep" Nakia said "come in" he stated as I shook my head

" can we watch something?" She asked as the lights of the room cut on "yes" I heard T'Challa as they sat on the bed.

They started the movie and I turned my music back on continuing to pack making little noise as possible. I was finally finished with my side of the closet and my shoes.

I zipped my suitcase up and got up off the ground rolling the suitcase out the closet as Nakia fell asleep on the bed and T'Challa was looking out the window.

I rolled my eyes sitting my ring on the dresser and rolling my suitcase out the room as I felt him grab my hand but I took it back rolling it to the guest room closing the door til something was stopping it from closing all the way I turned seeing Erik hand on the door as he closed it behind us.

I looked at him and took my beats off my head as he wiped my tears with his thumb. "Did you talk to him?" Erik asked as I nodded " yeah but he don't want to give up Nakia and there's nothing I can do" I started off with tears threatening to come out "so I'm leaving" I said as he shook his head.

"I'm sorry baby girl" Erik said as I nodded
" yeah I need to tell you something" I started off as he looked at me "what's up?" He asked as I sat down and he sat down next to me.

"Don't get mad when I tell you this Erik" I said as he looked at me "Nah, I won't, whats up?" He asked looking at me.

"When we were together I got pregnant and didn't tell you" I started off and he looked at me "why didn't you tell me?, what happened?!" He asked as I sighed.

"I wanted to tell you and I knew you would be excited but then I lost it due to stress" I explained as Erik just looked at me then placed his elbows on his knees putting his face in his hands.

"Brianna why did you wait till now to say something?!" Erik asked "I needed to tell you but I was scared I didn't want you to be upset." I explained as he shook his head.

"Babygirl I could've had a 10 year old right now with you, but you didn't say anything Brianna I would've gave you another child why didn't you say anything?" Erik asked

"I was scared Erik" I stated as he sighed "babygirl I could've had a child" erik said as I looked down "I'm sorry Erik" I said.

"I wanted a baby forever with you Brianna" Erik said as I looked at him confused "huh?" I asked "I wanted to marry you and have a family with you for the longest but you were with T'Challa" Erik explained.

"Erik at one point it didn't even felt like you loved me and then you hit me so I left what else was I supposed to think?" I asked.

"I'm sorry babygirl for that and I will keep apologizing for that until I die but I always loved you And I always will don't ever forget that babygirl" Erik explained kissing my forehead.

"You were wrong for not telling me about our baby I could've been a dad" Erik said with a faint smile as I smiled some.

" I know Erik and I'm sorry" I said

"Well I still want my kid from you" he stated as I laughed "boy you funny" I said getting up "no I'm dead ass Bri" he said as I turned looking at him seeing him serious.

"Erik you know I can't do that plus even if me and T'Challa wasn't together I don't want to take the chance and lose it again making you sad" I explained as he nodded and got up from the bed

"Aight I'll see you in the morning" he said as I nodded "Aight" I said hugging him "I'm sorry erik" I said as he nodded and seemed kind of down but I couldn't do it.

He left out the room and I sighed sitting on the bed feeling a little weight be lifted of my shoulders.


I was listening to Brianna and Erik outside her door as they were talking learning that this was not Brianna's first miscarriage I wanted to talk to her about what she just seen but she was talking to Erik.

I grew angry as he started talking about how he wanted a family with her. He did things to her to where he doesn't even deserve a family with her.

I walked away from the door waking Nakia up so she could get out and I could Brianna back in our bed where she belonged but her door was locked. I stood there hearing faint cries outside of her door so I knocked but she didn't answer.

"Brianna" I said as I still had no answer so I sat on the ground in front of her room door until she opened it....

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