'birthday surprise'

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>this is kind of long hehe<

Author's p.o.v

Bts are now done practicing and are now ready to go to their dorms.y/n and jimin have been given a hard and tight works just for them to forget about their special day for tomorrow,well not that tight it just needed a little bit of sweat.like going around the building or going somewhere to buy something but with their guards just for them to be safe,practice,individual photo shoots and by group,and again with the practice,kind of hard right?.

At their dorm y/n and jimin did their routines and sleep didn't even caring to wait for their partner.

"Hyung do you think y/n and jimin is going to be happy tomorrow?"jungkook asked tae

"Of course they are,lets just wait"

"You are right hyung,goodnight"


"Yah y/n your feet,urgh you are so annoying I am still sleeping,can't you see?"jungkook said.

"Hmm"y/n hummed with a sleepy voice,she is not yet awake though.



"Y/n Yah"*shakes her body*

"The actual bunny!,I am so tired yesterday can't you just please shut you mouth,and for your information I am not the one who always do this kind of thing I am just tired and at least I am not that heavy,just like you"

"Tsk tired,yeah yeah"


"I am,don't worry"


*at the kitchen*

"Jungkook-ah where's y/n?"jin asked jungkook

"In our room,where should she be?"

"Yah,did anything happened earlier?"

"As always.."

"You are always like cat and dog,You are always fighting"

"dont care she is the one who annoyed me this time"

"You guys always did that to each other though,we're not even shock.just wake that potato"

"What?why me?"

"Then Who else?"


"Jimin and yoongi are still sleeping,namjoon is at the bathroom,hoseok is doing his routine,while taehyung is waking jimin and yoongi...any idea on who else is going to wake y/n up?"

"Gezz,how'd you know that hyung?"*wiggle his eyebrow while smiling*

"First,I asked taehyung where jimin is and he said that jimin is still sleeping so is yoongi,we already know him jungkook.second,that's why I know why namjoon is in the bathroom cause we shared a room,if you wanted to asked where,then in our shared room.third in the bathroom near upstairs I can hear hoseok's loud voice singing and rapping I bet you can hear it too"

"Hyung,you really have answers to my questions"

"Its obvious jungkook,just go wake her up,and also don't forgot about our surprise for that two"


"Special day,remember?"


Going upstairs jungkook can't stop laughing at the thought that his hyung named namjoon is in the bathroom and jin knows it,well that's why he is laughing because he read some of their memes saying that namjoon and jin are couples with their pictures together,who else would not though?.

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