Debut stage

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[A/n:I dont really know their debut stage,so i will just make it on my sorry]

Jin's p.o.v

Here we are,we are finally debuting after a long training days.I feel so nervous and happy at the same time,I am so proud of myself and for my
동생 (dongsaeng's) specially for y/n because she is a girl.

"Okay,this is it we have to do our best"our leader namjoon said.

"So everyone is alright?"I ask

"네 (ne) hyung"they said in unison

"BTS your up now"our manager said.

"Lets do our best together until forever,bangtan sonyeondan.
fighting!!"namjoon said as we said "fighting" and went to the stage to perform our first ever music.

Y/n's p.o.v

"Fighting"we said as we got to the stage.I really do feel nervous but I just keep it aside and did my best for the group and for our 'future' fans.


As we finish our performance we bowed and went to the backstage and drank our waters that are prepared for us from the staffs.

It went like that for like 4 times in one day,after that long day singing,rapping and dancing in just one day we went to our dorm,did our evening routine,and then we drifted off to sleep.

~•time skip brought to by jimins *cough* a *cough* b *cough* s~

Its 5:13 in the morning and we need to wake up just to promote our song again.idol life, but I can say its fun!

"Y/n!! What are you doing in your room you've been there since 20 minutes and you said you are ju- yah why are you sleeping again?"I heard someone say,I guess its jin hyung.

"Yeah hyung,죄송합니다 (joesonghamnida)"all I could say since im still sleepy.

"You better be fast y/n-ahh"jin hyung said

i then went to the bathroom I shared with jungkook..yoongi hyung and hoseok hyung shared one room,jimin hyung and tae Hyung,jin hyung and namjoon hyung shared room..i did a quick shower,change my clothes,and went downstairs to eat.

After eating the food from our manager which is vegetables.we went to the building and went to pd-nim office.


"Come in!"pd said.

"안녕하세요 (annyeonghaseyo) pd-nim"we said as we bow our heads.

"안녕 (annyeong) all are going to promote your song again.since yesterday you all already have a few fans,sooner or later it will become a big keep it up bts,dont give up"pd said.

"네 (ne),감사합니다 (kamsahamnida) pd-nim.we will really do our best"namjoon hyung said as we respond with a "yes we will"with a bow and went outside the office.

Another day of becoming an idol!!!


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