Meeting them pt.2

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"Your welcome y/n"all of them said and then pd-nim went in to the room with a paper in his hand.


"Your done introducing yourselves?"pd ask

"Ne (yes) pd-nim"all of us said in unison

"That's great cause I have here your positions.listen carefully first,
namjoon you are the leader,and the main rapper.seokjin you are the vocalist and the visual.yoongi you are the lead rapper.hoseok you are the main dancer,lead rapper and vocalist.
Jimin you are the lead vocalist and same as hoseok you are the main dancer too.taehyung you are the visual,vocalist,and the lead dancer.jungkook you are the main vocalist,lead dancer,sub rapper,and the center.lastly,y/n you are the main dancer,lead vocalist,lead rapper,visual and the maknae.any clarification?"pd said

"None pd-nim.thank you for the positions"we said in unison with a bow.

"Your welcome boys *cough* and girl"pd said.

"You all are our trainee's for almost 3 years,for jimin he just got 1 year for training,y/n got the longest she trained for 4 years and you just know each others today but for the boys they met three days earlier,so I am planning to debut you all,you all know it.we already have the music now,all we need is your voices,can you all please go to the music studio,your manager is there to tell you the tune of the song after you finish recording please go to the dance studio to learn the choreography.
If you all finish it im going to have a mv for it,I hope you are all good for that"PD said.

"Of course bang pd-nim"we said.

"That's good,okay I'm going now"pd said.

All of us headed to the music studio,when we got there we saw a boy maybe he is our manager.
And this what our life to be an idol begin......
fans!!,friends!!to all our family who supported us here we are!!...thank you for supporting we are going to do our best!!.....


[A/n:next chapter we have no more dream mv!!....goodluck for your journey y/n-ahhh!!]

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