LXX. Final Bout (Part 1)

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Yuko ran out of his house and rushed to Central Park.


Once Yuko arrived at his destination, he found all of his friends there. "What are you guys doing here?"

Tammi giggled. "What? You thought we were just going to not see probably the best duel ever? As if."

"I wish I was dueling Kenji, but no." Benta complained.

Yuko turned to Mimi, Cambell, Victoria, and Geno. He was suprised to see them there. "And what about you guys? How did you know?"

"Tammi told me. I really want to see this duel," Mimi said sleepily. "Even though it's way too early for this."

"I was doing my morning jog and just saw everyone over here." Cambell replied.

"Word spread fast about Kenji's gig. I figured that he would want to duel you and that he wouldn't want a lot of people watching." Victoria said.

"One of my biker guys told me, so I figured that this would be the best time for a duel like this." Geno added.

"This is great!" Yuko cheered.

"Indeed it is." Kenji appeared with his duel gear ready. His crystal blue eyes gleamed in the moonlight. "I'm glad you could make it. Now we can settle the score."

Yuko pulled his gear. "I know what you mean. I won our first duel and you won the second. It's one to one."

"Let's break this tie." Kenji said as he activated his duel gear. Yuko followed.



"Man I should be dueling."-Benta

"Benta stop complaining. This is going to be an intense match."-Tammi

"I wonder how this is going to turn out."-Mimi

"I won last time, so you can go first."-Kenji

"Fine with me!{This is my chance to prove to Kenji that I'm worth being his opponent}"-Yuko

•Yuko(4000): Draws. Summons Guardian Child(Earth/Lv.1/0 atk).

"This guy can count as two Zeo Materials, so get ready!!"-Yuko

Melds Guardian Child (Earth/Counts as two Zeo Materials) to Zeo Summon Tora(Earth/Lv.6/2500 atk).

"Bringing him out already? You must be serious."-Kenji

"Sure am."-Yuko

Sets 2 cards.

"I end my turn."-Yuko

"That's it? I know Yuko has more useful cards in his hand than just those face downs."-Cambell

"I'm sure he has a plan."-Victoria

"Let's see what Kenji has planned."-Geno

"My move."-Kenji

•Kenji(4000): Draws.

"I can Special Summon this card while I don't control any Water Attributes on my field."-Kenji

Special Summons Sub-Zero Wyvern(Water/Lv.2/900 atk) via effect. Summons Grey Frost Dragon(Water/Lv.3/0 atk).

"Grey Frost Dragon can meld itself with other Water Attribute Dragon types on my field and in my hand! So I'll meld it with the Sub-Zero Wyvern on my field and the Blizzard Dragon in my hand to unleash my Dragon of Ice!!"-Kenji

Activates Grey Frost's effect and melds it(Water) with Sub-Zero Wyvern(Water) on his field and Blizzard Dragon(Water) in his hand to Zeo Summon Meteor Yuan Dragon(Water/Lv.8/3000 atk).

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