XVIII. Real Steel

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Ito, the brown masked member of The Legion, approached his master. He was Diron's right hand man.

"You called my lord?" He said bowing to Diron.

"Since Shun, Alec, and Asia were able to test Yuko's strength, it only seems right to let you have a turn." Diron tossed Ito a blank card. "I believe that you will be able to collect more data on Yuko's skills."

"Yes, my lord." Ito put away his card and left his master's room. He walked into the hallway and found his fellow Legion members.

"So you're next?" Shun asked.

"That's what the master wanted." Ito replied walking away from the others.

"Good luck finding a reasonable opponent. Yuko's a tough cookie." Alec said.

"Unlike you guys, I'm not just going to pick a weak DHA student." Ito opened a portal. "I plan on using the toughest duelist I can find." He walked in the portal and waved bye.

Ito arrived on rooftop of Domino Heart City's mall. "Yuko won't see it coming."


Yuko and Tammi checked up on Benta after school. He was still injured.

"You should've saw me Benta! Tora and I kicked up today."

"Oh whatever Yuko, just because you beat me again doesn't mean you were all that."

They all shared a friendly laugh. It's been awhile since they've had a good laugh.

"So, have you guys heard about that gang in town?" Benta asked.

"Yeah. They've stolen so many decks from so many innocent people all in one day." Tammi's voice grew sadder with each word. Yuko's face turned into a serious one.

"How come I haven't heard of any of this?" Yuko balled his fist. "That isn't right!"

Benta looked at his friend and knew exactly what Yuko was thinking. "Don't do it, Yuko."

"Too late. I've already made up my mind." Yuko left the room in a rush.

"He's going to get himself hurt!" Tammi said. "I'll be back later Benta." She followed after Yuko. Benta sighed. By being in bed injured, he obviously couldn't do much to help his friends.


Yuko, with Tammi following close behind, ran in Central Park. He was determined to find the gang Benta mentioned and win back every deck they've stolen.

"Yuko, don't do anything crazy." Tammi said. "You can't lose your deck from doing something as crazy as dueling a gang."

"Sorry T, but I can't just let these guys keep taking everyone's decks!"


"So you're Yuko?" a voice called. Yuko and Tammi jumped a bit.

"Who are you?!?" Yuko said activating his duel gear just in case a duel was to happen.

"I'm a member of the Legion." Ito appeared in his cloaked and masked attire. "I recall that you should already know who we are."

Yuko grew angry. He was tired of the Legion causing trouble around the city. "I know exactly who you are." Yuko rised his duel pad, jestering for a duel. Ito laughed.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not the one you're dueling." Ito paused. The sound of motorbikes came into hearing. "In fact, here's your opponent right now."

A biker gang of about thirty came storming through Central Park. They all parked their bikes and circled around Yuko and Tammi. Then their leader walked over by Ito.

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