LIX. Two Hearts Apart (Part 2)

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Benta made sure he thought his plan out. He didn't want to defeat Asia, so he tried to find a way to hurt her Life Points just enough to show her the difference between him actually fighting and him not wanting to fight. Once his gameplay was formed, he hoped that Asia had some protection set up.


"Okay Asia, this should do the trick!"-Benta

Melds the 3 Weelos(Earth) to Zeo Summon Autocon Master:Sentia(Earth/Lv.8/2700 atk).

"Finally! A worthy monster."-Asia

"I activate a trap card!"-Benta

Activates Autocon-Battle Mode Activate.

"I can banish an Autocon from my grave and add its attack points to Sentia!"-Benta

Banishes Optima. (Sentia:2700 atk/5000 atk)

"Now for Sentia! It can banish a Zeon Unit and double the attack points of an Autocon!!"-Benta

Activates Sentia's effect. (Sentia:3 ZU/2 ZU) (Sentia:5000 atk/10000 atk)

"Time to end this Sentia!! Primus Impact!!"-Benta

Attacks King Lancer with Sentia.

"You'll have to try better than that!!"-Asia

Asia activates Poseidon Waves.

"Your attack is negated and you lose 800 Life Points!"-Asia


"You just helped me out."-Benta

Activates Double or Nothing.

"Since you negated my attack, I can double Sentia's power and attack again!!"-Benta

(Sentia:10000 atk/20000 atk)

"Go!! Primus Impact!!"-Benta

"I have another trap!!"-Asia

Asia activates Wall of Ocean's Fury.

"I can increase my Life Points equal to half of Sentia's strength and halve any Battle Damage I take!!!"-Asia


{Alright! She survived!}-Benta

Attacks and destroys King Lancer with Sentia. (Asia:14000/5050)

{I almost lost there. He didn't show me any remorse}-Asia

Sentia's effect activates.

"During my End Phase, Sentia would destroy itself, but with this trap, I can stop that."-Benta

Benta activates Prime Shield.

"Now that Sentia won't be destroyed, I can end my turn."-Benta

(Sentia:20000 atk/5000 atk)

"You're good. I wasn't expecting you to step your game up that high. Guess it's time to stop holding back."-Asia

•Asia(5050): Draws.

"Time to open the Gates of Hell!!"-Asia

Banishes Tidal Force and King Lancer to Special Summon Sea Kraken, Legion of Water(Water/Lv.7/2600 atk).

"That thing has nothing against Sentia."-Benta

"You're wrong. Sea Kraken can select up to two banished monsters and your Sentia loses attack points equal to the combined strength of the selected monsters!!"-Asia

Activates Sea Kraken's effect and selects King Lancer and Tidal Force(Sentia:5000 atk/1000 atk).

{Man did I speak too soon}-Benta

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