LV. Brothers (Part 2)

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Soran placed his hand on his deck and hoped to draw what he needed. He needed something to really catch his twin off guard. He was determined to win and save Diron from his father.


•Soran(4000): Draws.

"Well lucky me."-Soran

Activates Kingdom's Key and Special Summons Blade Soilder(Fire/Lv.4/1200 atk). Summons Blade Scorcher(Fire/Lv.4/1500 atk).

"Since both of my monsters are Fire-Attributes, I can meld them into a new master!"-Soran

Melds Soilder(Fire) and Scorcher(Fire) to Zeo Summon Blade Master Lexa(Fire/Lv.4/1900 atk).


A knight in red armor wielding a red sword appeared in the middle of Ukir and Arret.


"I can banish both of Lexa's Zeon Units to inflict 1500 damage to your Life Points!!"-Soran

Activates Lexa's effect. (Lexa:2 ZU/0 ZU)

"Take this Diron!! Burning Flurry!!"-Soran


"That hurt. That actually hurt. You're finally taking this duel seriously. Now, give me everything you have in that deck of yours. Fight me at full strength!!"-Diron

"Your wish is my command Mr. Chaos!!"-Soran

Melds Ukir(Dark), Arret(Earth), and Lexa(Fire) to Hyper Zeo Summon Aros, Keeper of Hearts(Light/Lv.8/3000 atk).

"Finally. You're Hyper Zeo has arrived. I've been waiting for this. Now I can use this!!"-Diron

Diron activates Lifeforce Swap.

"When a monster is Hyper Zeo Summoned, this trap switches our Life Points!!"-Diron

(Diron:2100/4000) (Soran:4000/2100)

"That trick won't help you Diron!! Aros and I are winning this!!"-Soran

Activates Aros' effect. (Aros:3 ZU/0 ZU)

"By banishing all three of his Zeon Units can increase Aros' attack points by 500 for every banished Zeo Monster!!"-Soran

"There's four banished Zeos."-Diron

"So Aros gains 2000 attack points!!"-Soran

(Aros:3000 atk/5000 atk)

"Humph. I'm not suprised. You always pull off your best moves as soon as you can."-Diron

"That's just how I am Diron. Unlike you, I don't take my time to set up strategies. I do whenever I feel is right and using Aros' effect to attack directly seems like the right thing to do!!! Aros!! Attack directly with Supreme Blade Edge!!!"-Soran

Attacks directly with Aros.

"Apparently doing what's right isn't working for you. Darkshine Dragon's effect activates. It forces you to attack itself instead attacking me directly and cuts Aros' power in half!!!"-Diron

Darkshine's effect activates and switches Aros' attack to itself. (Darkshine:1 ZU/0 ZU) (Aros:5000 atk/2500 atk)

"I figured you would do that Diron, so I had this ready!!"-Soran

Activates Final Blade: Destiny Slash.

"When Aros is targeted by a card effect, I can chose two Blade Master Zeo Monsters in my Extra Deck and send to the grave to link to Aros as Zeon Units!!"-Soran

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