XXVII. Zeo Solution

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Yuko sat on the top of his roof with the spirit of Jaden right by his side. They both looked at Yuko's new Synchro Monster card.

"So there's another spirit in this card?" Yuko asked.

"That's what I'm guessing. I think I have an idea of who it is."

The card glowed. A spirit wearing a blue jacket with brown boots and gloves appeared next to Jaden.

"Yusei!" Jaden said giving his friend a hand shake. "You're with us now."

Yusei nodded. "Seems to be that way."

Yuko stared at the spirits. Jaden never mentioned a Yusei before. "Ummm hi, I'm Yuko."

"I'm Yusei Fudo."

Yuko took this moment to his advantage. Maybe Yusei had some answers. "Yusei, do you know what the Heart of Unity is?"

Yusei nodded. "Not much. Sorry."

"It's okay." Yuko sighed. Back to Plan A, he thought.

"But what I do know is that after I died, I was sent to this arena and I was greeted by this man." Yusei started. "He made me have a duel with three other duelist."

"I was one of them." Jaden joined in. "The same thing happened to me."

Yuko remembered the flashback he had of Jaden dueling three other people. He looked into Yusei's eyes.


Yusei stood in one corner on the arena. Jaden was standing in another. He only had a set monster on his field and 4000 Life Points. Yusei had two monsters. "I tune my Junk Warrior with Steam Synchron to Synchro Summon Stardust Dragon!!" A white dragon appeared behind Yusei and let out a roar that shook the arena.


The memory ended. Yusei and Yuko looked at each other for awhile.

"So you and Jaden dueled?" Yuko asked.

"Well yeah, but I can't seem to remember much of it." Yusei replied.

"Yeah same here. I can't even remember the other duelist that were there." Jaden added.

"This is weird." Yuko looked at his Synchro and Fusion cards. "You were locked in Kaiota." Yuko pointed to Jaden then to Yusei. "And you were in Tyrosa." Yuko took a moment to think. He knew that there were four different types of forbidden cards. Fusion, Synchro, and some others. Yuko couldn't remember. His grandfather had told him about it, but he didn't get into the details.

He pulled out his two blank cards, the ones Deltrus gave him. "There are four forbidden card types," Yuko thought about it more. If Jaden and Yusei were sealed in two of the forbidden cards, then there should be two more spirits living in the last two cards. "But that only makes four spirits. Youguys said there were three other duelist beside you two. What about the fifth?" Then it hit Yuko.

"The fifth!" Yuko quickly pulled out the blank Hyper Zeo card Deltrus gave him. "Hyper Zeo Monsters are as rare as the forbidden cards. That means that there's a spirit inside this card!!"

Jaden and Yusei exchanged looks. "You might be on to something Yuko."

"Yeah, but how do we know how to call that spirit and what about the last two card types? We still don't know what they are." Yusei stated.

Yuko thought even more. If Deltrus gave him the Hyper Zeo card and is the only person to have full knowledge of the Heart of Unity, which Jaden and Yusei are also aware of, then Deltrus should know what the last two card types are. "Come on!! We're going to look for Deltrus."

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