X. Ice Age

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The city was alive and festive, but the weather was dead and cold. It didn't seem to bother Kenji much though. He was used to it. He spent most of his time out in the city. Kenji wasn't sure why. Maybe it was to help keep his mind off of his lost against Yuko or to search for someone he knew would never find.

Kenji liked to be alone. It allowed him to feel free. He was never quite comfortable around people. Being social wasn't something he was good at. He usually let Tammi handle the social stuff. Kenji always wondered as to why he was this way since his deck seemed to represent the opposite of loneliness.

His deck made him think about family and unity. Light and Darkness. Fire and Lightning. They all had something to oppose, but something connect to at the same time. Kenji felt as if he didn't have that.

That is...until he started to think about Yuko. Yuko was out-spoken, social, and fun to be around. The complete opposite of Kenji. Kenji didn't hate Yuko. He just couldn't understand him. Ever since their duel, Kenji was out of steam. He hasn't had a good duel since then. He's felt the urge to train over and over again until he figured out a way to beat Yuko. Especially since he has a rematch with him tomorrow.

Kenji wandered the streets and watched people live their lives. He had this chill and omnious feeling coming from behind, but once he turned around, it was gone. He kept walking until he reached the local card shop. He hasn't in there in two years. Ever since the accident, the shop just gave Kenji bad memories.

He felt another chill and turned. Again, there was nothing. He carried on with his stroll and entered Central Park. The water fountain was flowing and was full of coins. Kenji pulled out a quarter. He never did understand why people tossed coins into the fountain, but he always felt a little comfort whenever he did it.

He stared at his coin. "Someday." He tossed it the fountain and felt another chill. He was sure something was wrong. "I know someone's behind me. Come on out." He turned.

At first, he saw nothing, but he then noticed a blonde girl standing under a street light. She smiled at him. "Nice to meet you too Kenji Itaru."

"Who are you and why have you been following me?"

The girl laughed and revealed her duel gear. She wanted a duel. "Name's Grace. I've heard that you're what they call at DHA a 'Dragon Master'."

"So what?"

"Well I'm from KCA and I'm what they call a 'Dragon Slayer'."

"Dragon Slayer? Let me guess. You think you can beat me?"

Grace laughed. "Word's gotten around at KCA and I must admit, when I heard that you lost to Yuko Sorama, I was shocked. When Yuko attented KCA, let's just say that he was good, but couldn't quite up with the elites. So when I found out that he defeated you, a Dragon-user, I died of laughter. How could YOU lose to Yuyuck Smellarama?"

Kenji balled his fist. His loss was a touchy and personal topic. He didn't like that this stranger was trying to get on his bad side. "I get the feeling that you must want to test yourself then. Am I right?"

"If Yuko can beat you, then I sure as hell can." She activated her gear. "I'm a Dragon Slayer! I love to defeat people who use Dragon-themed decks and I'll be crushing you just like I do the rest of my opponents."

Kenji sighed. He wasn't sure if dueling Grace would help him train for tomorrow, but he was definately sure that this girl was way too full of herself. He wasn't going to let her to bring him down.

"Okay then." He pulled out his gear and activated it. His crystal blue eyes seemed to come to life as he faced the so-called Dragon Slayer. "I'll show you why I'm still DHA's king regardless of who I lose to."

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