Chapter 56

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We then went to the counter and just started to talk and everything. We were deciding what we wanted to do first. I then suggested hanging by the pool because it is such a nice day.

I was such nice day out. Being with the girls is something amazing. Even if Nicole is here. I was sunbathing on one of the lawn chairs by the pool. I then heard my phone buzzed. I grabbed it to see who it was. It was a text for Ryder.

Hey how is everything going?

Hey. It's good. I am happy I came. I missed these girls. Even if she is here I am still having a great time.

That's great to hear. I know they missed you two. Did he show up?

No. Kayla and I were the last one to arrive. So, don't worry. I am fine.

I know I don't have to worry. But I can't help it. I care for you. You know that. I don't want to see you get hurt.

"Who are you texting, Kitty?" I heard one of the girls asked me.

"Ryder." Kayla said.

"How can do you know?" Marley asked me.

"Just look at her smile. I know only a few people who can do that. She isn't getting up to leave. So, it only leaves one person. Am I right?" Kayla said.

I just shock my head and ignored them. But she was right. There were only a few people that can make me smile like this. Ryder is one of those people. I just looked back at my phone. I really didn't want to get into that right now with them. But I know they will be asking me later about it.

You are so sweet. I must go. Girls are being nosey. I will talk to you later.

Okay. Talk to you later. Hey if you can't sleep tonight because of reasons. Just call me. We can talk until you are tired.

Deal. Thanks Ryder.

Ever since Ash came back into town and have been hanging around. I have been having nightmares about him. So, when I wake up from one and can't go back to sleep I call Ryder. When I used to stay at his place we used to sit on the couch and talk until I fell asleep. Now I just call him, and he always answers me.

*Ryder's POV*

I put my phone away. I am happy Kitty is getting some time to spend with the girls. They really missed each other's. They care for her. But I know they hate not knowing what is going on with her. They want to help. But without knowing they can only be there and trust her.

I really hope by spending this time they would see that all Kitty needs is them being there for her with the questions. All she needs is somewhere to go without anyone knowing all the troubles and everything. One day they will figure it out. But for right now, they just need to wait until she is ready.

I then felt a something hit me from behind. I turned to see the guys standing there waiting for me. Puck standing there grinning because he just through a football at my head. Because the girls were having their day. Us guys were going to have our day.

"You done daydreaming?" Puck asked me.

"Fun. I was seeing how Kitty was doing." I told them.

"She will be fine. She has her cousin. You need to stop worrying." Jake told me.

"So, you are telling me that you are not worried that he could show up anytime to Quinn's place? You haven't thought about it?" I asked him.

"Shut up. Yes, I have thought about it. But there is nothing we can do about it right now. We just must trust everything will be alright. Also, you need to stop acting like her boyfriend when you haven't done anything to earn the title." He told me.

Then guys laughed at that last point. I wasn't acting like her boyfriend. I was being a good friend. Even though I do have feelings for her in that way. But I can't do anything right now. It's not the right time. I just ignored this comment.

"Dude, you got it bad. When are you going to do about it?" Sam asked me.

"Not anytime soon. She has a lot going on. I don't want to add more to it. So, for right now I am going to be there as good friend she needs." I told them.

"Let me get this clear. You are just going to step down because there is stuff going on in her life. There is always going to be stuff going on in her life. You act like it. Why not put the title to it?" Puck said.

"I don't act like her boyfriend." I stated to the guys.

"Really? Shall we list what you do that a boyfriend would do. Guys?" Jake said.

"You are always there to protect her." Sam said.

"If there is anyone that she wants more around is you." Blaine commented.

"Here is one that none of them know except for me, you, and Kitty. Ever time she wakes up from a nightmare. She could talk to anyone. But she calls you late in the night. You pick up with thinking about it. I hear you guys take. A few times you came over." Finn said.

"Okay, if that is not a boyfriend. Then we don't know what. Ryder, what she needs is a guy in her life that she knows that will protect her and be there for her. That is, you. She already likes you back. What are waiting for? Make a move. Do it soon before your chances are gone." Mike told me.

The guys are right. She does need someone in her life like that. I have doing that since day one. This is my only chances. But I don't want to do it just any way. I want to tell her some way different. I have any idea. It is time for her to smile some more. I will be the one to do it.

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