Chapter 28

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I then heard someone clap. I looked over to see Mr. Shuester standing there. I looked away for him. He walked in and pulled up a chair next to the piano bench I was sitting on.

"Are you okay Kitty?" Mr. Shuester asked me.

"Truly truth or lie?" I asked him. But I already know his answer.

"What do you think Kitty?" He asked me.

"Truth." I said looking away.

"Yeah." He said nodding his head.

"It is just hard. My parents are both out of town and my brothers have been home for a while now. Also something else too." I told him looking at my hands.

"Kitty, you have us. We are your family. But what about your bothers? What is this something else?" He asked me.

"My brothers are fighting for our country. I am proud to be their sister." I told him.

"Tell me about them please." He asked me.

"Well there is the triples. The triples are Jonathan, Jace, and Joshua. Jonathan is in the Air Force. Jace is in the Navy. Joshua is in the Marine Corps. Then there is the twins. The twins are Ethan and Hector. Ethan is in the Coast Guard. Hector is in the Army." I told him.

"So your brothers are in different branches. That is amazing." He said to me.

"Yeah, like I said. I am proud. I rather not be any one else. But their sister." I told him.

"Who knows about this?" He asked me.

"Not many. Finn." I told him.

"I think I got a prefect songs you can choose. Follow me." He said getting up. Then we walked into his office. He opened up his laptop and printed something out for me. Then he handed me a piece of paper. I looked at it. It was a list of songs about being a military family.

"Thank-you Mr. Shuester." I said.

"What was the something else? Don't you think I forgot." He asked me.

"If I am going to tell you. I should tell you and Finn at the same time." I told him.

"Okay. I will call him and see if he can come here." Mr. Shuester said.

"Thanks." I said sitting in the across from Mr. Shuester.

We waited for a while then Finn came into Mr. Shuester's office. I looked over to him and then to Mr. Shuester.

"What is going on?" Finn asked.

"Kitty got something to tell us. She wanted to tell us both." Mr. Shuester said.

"Please don't tell me. You are pregnant." Finn said to me.

"No. But something else but worse." I told him.

"Kitty. What is it?" Mr. Shuster asked me.

"Well where I begin. When I was at my old school. The reason I left was because...."

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