Chapter 40

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"I just can't. I am sorry." I said. I then just ran out of the room. I was in tears. This ruined my life back then and it is doing it again.

I don't care if school was going on. I just left. I need to get away from everyone. So, I ran. I didn't care where I was heading. I wanted to get far from there. I then ended up my favorite place. Where I know, I was safe. No one really knows about this place. It's part of the park. But it was hidden away.

I sat down under a tree that was there. I just closed my eyes and let all the tears come down. If they really cared about me then they would have trusted me. But I don't know. How can they trust someone they just meet over a people they know for longer?

*Ryder's POV*

I just sat there. I didn't say a word. I can understand how she feels. I then got up and left the room. I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Kitty. I know she probably want to be left alone. I doubt she would answer my phone call.

Hey you okay?

No. This is ruining my life all over again.

Kitty where are you? I am worried.

Don't worry. I am fine. Safe and sound.

Kitty, I am just worried.

I know you are. I will talk to you later. What about I meet you at your place?

Sounds good. I will cover for you for the rest of the day.

Thanks Ryder. I owe you one.

No worries. That is what friends are for. I got your back.

And I got yours.

I then just kept on walking. I just wanted to clear my head. I don't get how they don't believe her. She is just scared. I don't blame her for not telling everyone. It is probably a hard thing to talk about.

It was the end of the day. I just got done with football practice. I was in the locker room. I was quickly getting changed. I didn't want Kitty to be long just in case. I ignored the guys' comments and everything. I got out of there. I got into my car and headed home.

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