Chapter 61

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I then let my brain wonder. What does he have to talk about? He wants to wait to talk until we get to the park. This must be something important to talk about. But what? I have so many thoughts. But does he want to talk about something important like me and him.

When we got to the park. We walked bit in silence. Then we found a bench and we decided to sit. More like I decided. I was not waiting any more. We were going to talk about whatever is on his mind. I looked at him waiting for to say something.

"So, what is it you want to talk about?" I asked.

"Well, I have been trying to figure this out a while now. I never know when the best time would be to do it. But I am just going to say it. I like you Kitty Wilde. I was wondering if you would want to go on a date with me." He said.

I just sat there surprised at what he said. He is really asking me out. That was never one of the things that were going throw my head. I then said,

"I would love too. Ryder, you know I had feeling for you. But I always thought you looked at me like friend only." I told him.

"I thought you only looked at me like a friend. I didn't want to complicit what we had. But I figured that this would just strongest what we had." He told me.

I took his hand and smiling at him. We then walked around the park together. I was still holding his hand. We then saw an ice cream cart. Ryder went to get us some. I just stayed by a tree. I was checking my phone. I wanted to tell the girls what just happened.

Someone came up to me. I thought it was Ryder back with the ice cream. I didn't look up. I just said,

"The girls are going to freak when they get this text."

"Freak about what?" I heard a voice said.

I know that voice. It wasn't Ryder. But the one person I didn't want around. I looked up to see it was Ash. What is he doing here? Where is Ryder?

"Nothing you need to know. I have to go." I said trying to get past him.

He wasn't moving and I couldn't get around him. I had no where to go. I really need Ryder to show up right now. Ash knows I don't want him around. Just then my knight in shining armor showed up.

"Is everything okay here?" Ryder asked looking at me to Ash.

"Yeah. Fine man. Kitty and I were just talking." Ash told me.

"Come on Kitty. I think the guys are at the court. Jake just texted me." Ryder said handing one of the cones. Then with his free hand took my hand.

We then walked away from Ash. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. I was so happy that Ryder came when he did. I don't know what Ash would have done if Ryder didn't show. He really scares me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah. I just want him to go away. So, I can not worry that much." I told him.

"I know. But Kitty, you will get throw this. You are a strong person." He told me.

I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back at me too. We headed to the basketball court where the guys were. I see few of the girls there too. I am happy to get away from Ash and be around people who keep me safe.

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