Chapter 19

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"I will go Mr.Shuester." Marley said. Marley always do a great job. That is why she is our female leader. I just wish once I could get the a solo just once. I just want to be the only everyone is looking at. I am not jealouse of Marley. If she can get us to win then do it. It would be nice to be noticed for once. When I got out of my thoughts everyone was clapping for Marley. She was hugging her mother.

"Okay. Everyone. I think that was good for now. Tomorrow is a new day. So I would like some more people to go tomorrow. I will see you all tomorrow." Mr. Shuester said to us all. Everyone was leaving with their families. I getting my things together. I just don't want everyone to ask me about my parents. I thought I was the last one leaving the room. But I was wrong. I turned around to see Jake and Puck was waiting by the door with Finn.

"I thought you all left." I said walking up to them.

"Jake told me he is not leaving." Puck said.

"Thanks Jake. But I bet I would be fine." I said looking right at Jake.

"No. I asked Sam to go ahead to see if it is fine. He just texted me that isn't fine." Jake said looking at me.

"I know that was going to happen." I said looking to the floor.

"Don't let it bother you. You are better then it." Jake said lifting my head back up to look at him in the eyes.

"Wait is something going on. Kitty is there something going on. Are you in trouble or something?" Finn asked looking at me. Puck was looking at me worried too. I looked at Jake and then back at them.

"Kitty what is wrong?" Puck asked me.

"Well...." I was saying then Brittany, Quinn, and Santana walked in.

"Hey what is going on?" Brittany asked.

"Nothing. I need to get to home. I will talk to you guys later." I said walking pass Jake.

I walked down the hall way. The hall was empty. I turned the corner to see something I didn't want to see. I saw.....

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