Chapter 38

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I was lost inside my sketch I was working on. I was sketching my favorite place. My safe place.

"Hey Kitty. Can we talk?" I heard someone ask me. I turned around to see Kurt standing there.

"Sure. What's up?" I asked him.

He came and sat down next to me.

"Kitty... I have something personal to ask you." Kurt said to me.

"Yes?" I asked him confused.

He looked at me for a bit and then took deep breath before asking,

"Kitty, did Nicole's' brother molest you?"

I just looked at him. I didn't know what to say. I had no words. I couldn't speak. How did he know? How did he figure it out?

"By your lack of words. I take that as a yes." He said to me.

I then got to words come to me. I then asked,

"How did you figure it out?"

"Nicole told us girls that you tried to get her brother in trouble. That was the reason. I believe her. But the girls do." He told me.

"Great. The girls know. But know the wrong facts. If this gets out. My life is ruined." I said out loud.

"Kitty, why isn't he in jail?" Kurt asked me confused.

"Because no one believed me. I had no proof. Then my parents just thought moving and new school will make it all disappear." I told him truthfully.

"Oh, Kitty. I am so sorry. Her being here must not help. Mostly when her brother hangs around a lot." Kurt said.

"I learn to ignore it." I told him.

"And that note... Was it from him?" Kurt asked me.

I nodded. I really didn't know what to say. The girls are probably already agreeing with the guys about it.

"Kurt, where is the guys at?" I asked worried now.

"The glee room. Why?" He asked me confused.

I didn't answer him. I just got up and ran to the glee room before the damage was done. Kurt was right behind me.

*Ryder's POV*

Us guys were sitting hanging out in the glee room after the girls left. We didn't talk about what happened. We just changed the whole subject.

Just then the girls walked back into the glee room. They all looked at us guys. But no one was saying anything.

"Yes?" I asked confused.

The girls looked at each other. Then Santana broke the silence by saying,

"So, we know the truth about what is going on."

"What are you talking about?" Jake asked confused.

"About Kitty." Rachel said.

"What do you know?" Artie asked for us guys.

The girls looked at each other one more time. Then Quinn was going to speak for them all and say,

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