Chapter 43

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(A/N: I don't own Hope for it by: Cimorelli.)

I am so happy to have Ryder's parents in my life. They were always there for me. They took me for me and didn't judge me. I went to Ryder's room and sent my parents a quick text. After I got done I went to join them for dinner.

So, I have been staying at Ryder's place for two weeks now. My father had a business trip last minute. My mother went with him. So, I have been staying at Ryder's place. It has been amazing. I even let my brother know so they could send their letters there.

I was at school early today because Ryder had an early football meeting. So, I catch a ride with him. Even though his father offers to give me a ride when he heads to work. I decided to come early to study and do something I love to do.

"You going to be okay?" He asked me.

"I will be fine. I will meet you at your locker. I am heading to the glee room for a bit." I told him truthfully.

"To work on that piece?" He asked me.

"Yeah. I almost have it. I know it." I told him.

What not a lot of people know is that I write and play my own music. It helps me express myself. Mostly with the family I have. So, that is one of the away I express everything.

"Okay. See you later." He said walking away.

I headed to the glee room. I know that no one was in there right now. Because no glee members are there. The old glee members are still here. I still haven't come back yet. The girls haven't really talked to me since that day. The guys have been there for me. But Ryder has been there since day one.

I got into the glee room. I put my bag down. Then went over to the guitar. I know how to play guitar and piano. But the guitar is my favorite. I sat down and pulled out the book I write all my songs in. I then started to play.

Drowning, out in the sea praying for waves

To carry me till the day breaks

I wanna wake up on the shore

Falling, stars raining fire around me

Backs to the wall and I can't breathe

Don't think I can take anymore

I need a sign, to get me through the night

I need someone to fight, to bring me back to life

There's a voice, that's calling through the storm

I know there's something more, I know there's something more

And I will still hope for it

I will still hope for it

No matter what comes, fire or flood

I will hold on, you are still good

And I will still hope for it

Demons, twisting the thoughts in my head

Speaking to me in my own voice

Telling me I should give up

There's a light, that's tearing through the dark

The maker of the stars, is fighting for my heart

There's a voice, that's calling out my name

Reaching through the pain, healing every scar

I will still hope for it

I will still hope for it

No matter what comes, fire or flood

I will hold on, you are still good

And I will still hope for it

You're with me in the fight, with me in the war

You're the one who lifts me when my knees hit the floor

You're with me in the light, with me in the dark

And when I can't see I know you're with me in my heart

You're with me in the fight, with me in the war

You're the one who lifts me when my knees hit the floor

You're with me in the light, with me in the dark

And when I can't see I know you're with me in my heart

And I will still hope for it

I will still hope for it

No matter what comes, fire or flood

I will hold on, you are still good

No matter what comes, fire or flood

I will hold on, you are still good

I will still hope for it

You're with me in the fight, with me in the war

You're the one who lifts me when my knees hit the floor

You're with me in the light, with me in the dark

And when I can't see I know you're with me in my heart

You're with me in the fight, with me in the war

You're the one who lifts me when my knees hit the floor

You're with me in the light, with me in the dark

And when I can't see I know you're with me in my heart

*Mr. Shuester's POV*

I was walking to the glee room to get a few things done. I then stopped to see Kitty there singing her hearts out. She was playing guitar. I never know she played. She was really into it. When she got done I started to clap for her. She did amazing job. I then saw the notebook.

"Kitty that was amazing." I told her coming into the room. She looked at me in surprise.

"Thanks." She said putting the guitar down.

"Did you write that yourself?" I asked her.

"Yeah." She said shyly.

"I never know. That was amazing." I told her.

"I never told anyone. It is my secret talent. My way to express myself." She told me truthfully.

"Well, you are really talented. That song was wow. Really strong and amazing." I told her.

"Thanks Mr. Shuester." She said.

"No problem Kitty. We really do miss you." I told her truthfully.

"I know. I miss it too. But must do what is best for me right now. When they are around and here. I can't. I am sorry." She told me.

"It's alright Kitty. I understand hundred percent. When you are ready. You know you are always welcomed back." I told her.

"Thanks Mr. Shuester. I will see you around." She told me.

"See you around Kitty. Also, Kitty, you are always welcome to use the glee room to write and play." I told her.

*Kitty's POV*

I gave Mr. Shuester a smile and left. I headed to my locker. I must put a few things away and get a few things. I am happy that Mr. Shuester understand. I know Finn does too. That is what makes them amazing. I am kind of happy he heard my song and liked it. It made me feel good. I had a smile on my face now.

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