Chapter 9

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I woke up to my alarm. The house was still quiet. I got dressed into my cheerlead uniform. I went downstairs to see no one up. It seems like they didn't come home last night. That is just great. Home alone all night whatever it doesn't matter anymore. I am kind of getting used to it now. I ate my breakfast and headed out the door. I walked to school every day. I was walking until I left like someone following me. I looked around me but no one was around. I hate that feeling.

"Hey Kitty Cat." Someone said. I turned around to see Ryder right in front of me. Then I turn back around to see if anyone was behind me. "Kitty, are you okay?" He looked where I was looking.

"I don't know. I feel like someone is following me." I said turning back to look at him.

"Really." He said.

"Yeah." I said.

"Hey. I'm here now. If anyone is following you then I will beat them up." He said. "Come on before you are late to practice." We walked to the school. We got to the school. I quickly got to the locker room. Ryder told me he would be in the blenchers. He was so caring. I quickly got to the field on time. Brittany looked at me weirdly.

"You just made it." Brittany said.

"I know." I said. We began practice right away. When practice was over I headed to my locker. Ryder was at my locker waiting for me. Brittany looked at me. I was smiling when I saw him.

"You didn't have to wait." I told him. He just smiled at me.

"I wanted to." He said.

"That is sweet." Brittany said.

"So." He said blushing.

"How cute you are blushing?" I said. "Thanks for walking me to school." I said. Brittany looked at me and then to him.

"It was no problem. I'm happy I did." He told me.

"Awe. You walked her to school." Brittany said.

"I kind of happy he did." I said.

"Why?" Brittany asked worried a little bit.

"I felt like someone was following me." I told her.

"Really?" Brittany asked.

"Yeah. That is why I going to come to your house and walk with you." He said.

"Awe. So sweet." Brittany said.

"Thanks." I told him.

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