Chapter 41

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It was the end of the day. I just got done with football practice. I was in the locker room. I was quickly getting changed. I didn't want Kitty to be long just in case. I ignored the guys' comments and everything. I got out of there. I got into my car and headed home.

When I got home. I saw my mother's car in the drive away. So, Kitty had my mom. I walked into my house. I went to the kitchen. That was probably where there were. I was right. There was my mom and Kitty talking.

"Hey." I said so they know I was there.

They both looked at me. My mom got up and came to give me a hug like she always does when I get home. Kitty was sitting there smiling at us. I then said,

"Kitty and I are going to be in my room doing so homework."

"Okay." My mom said.

Kitty then got up and followed me. But before the she left. She looked at my mom and said,

"Thanks for the tea Mrs. Lynn."

"No problem dear. Please call me Mary." My mom said. My mom also liked Kitty. She was one of my mom's favorites to have around. Kitty loves being around my family. I can just tell.

*Kitty's POV*

We went to Ryder's room. This was not my first time. I have been at his house a lot. I even spent the night. His parents trust us. So, they never asked for the door opened or anything. I went and sat on his bed. He shut the door and looked at me.

"You okay?" He asked me.

"Truth or lie?" I asked him.

"Kitty." He said seriously.

I looked at him. I couldn't hold it in. I started to cry again. I don't cry in front of people often. But if I do. I trust you. He came right over to me and hugged me. I then said,

"No. This whole mess is ruining everything. Once again. I can never get away from it."

"Kitty, everything will get better. I promise." He told me.

"Please don't promise me something you can't keep." I told him.

"I don't care if I can't keep it r not. I am promising you it." He told me.

Ryder knows how much I hate those words. Every time someone says those words. They never keep it. So, I stopped believing in them. But Ryder still says them to me. He always tries to keep it. I then said,

"Whatever you say."

"So, what did you tell my mom when you got here?" He asked me.

"Told her cheer practice was cancelled and you didn't want me to be bored. So, you told me to meet you at your house." I told him.

"Nice." He told me. I love being here. His place always made me feel safe and happy. His parents welcomed me in with their arms opened.

We talked and did our homework for a bit then Ryder's mom came to the room and asked if I was staying for dinner. I said sure. My parents are probably not home anyways. But I will still send them a text to let them know.

At Ryder's place. Stay for dinner. Probably get a ride from him.

I put my phone away. They probably won't text me back. They were busy with work or their so call friends. We then went downstairs to see if we can help. His father was already home. It was nice.

*Ryder's POV*

For the first time of this day I saw Kitty smiling. She was finally safe and happy. I want to talk to my father about this. Maybe there is something he could do. He is an officer of the police. But I won't until I talk to Kitty. I will do it later. Right now, she is happy. I don't want to ruin it.

We then heard a knock at the door. My dad went to answer it. I stood there. I wonder who it is. We then heard Nicole's voice asking,

"Is Ryder home?"

I have not answered anyone for Kitty She just don't want them to find out where she was. Just in case he finds out. What she feared happened. If Nicole is here. He is not that far behind. I looked over to Kitty. She looked scared.

"Yeah. Hold on. Ryder." My dad said.

I looked at Kitty and said quietly,

"Stay here. I will get rid of them."

She nodded at me. I then went to the door. I saw it wasn't just Nicole. It was everyone. But also, Nicole's brother. My dad usually leaves to give me and my friend some space. But he knows something was up most when Kitty didn't join me.

"Yes?" I asked them.

"Hey. Have you heard from Kitty? She's not answering anyone." Jake asked.

My dad looked at them. I know he wasn't going to say anything. Not until he finds out all the facts. I then said,

"No. The last time I heard from her was at school. She texted me and told me she wants to be alone. I think we should respect that."

"We are just worried. Don't want her to do something stupid." Unique said.

"Like you guys." I said.

"Ryder, that's not fair." Marley said.

"Marley what's not fair is not trust a friend that has always been there. Then trust someone you barely know." I said. I was getting annoyed now.

"Hey when we, get her side we can figure it out." Quinn said.

"Sorry to break this up but dinner is done." My dad said.

"See you guys." I said. They then left. I shut the door.

My dad looked at me and then to Kitty. He knows something is up. He then asked,

"What is going on?"

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