Chapter 44

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I gave Mr. Shuester a smile and left. I headed to my locker. I must put a few things away and get a few things. I am happy that Mr. Shuester understand. I know Finn does too. That is what makes them amazing. I am kind of happy he heard my song and liked it. It made me feel good. I had a smile on my face now.

I went to Ryder's locker. I was standing there. I saw Nicole not that far from the locker. I just looked down at my phone. I have nothing to say to her. I texted Ryder to see if he is almost done.

Hey I am at your locker. Finished the song. Mr. Shuester heard me singing and playing it. Tell you more when you get here. She is not far from here.

Heading down now. Jake and Sam is with me. Try to behave. She is not worth it.

I will try. But if she starts anything. I am defending myself.

I know you will. Show you who is boss.

*Ryder's POV*

I was walking down the hallway to my locker. Kitty was waiting there for me. I was heading down with Sam and Jake. I then put my phone away.

"So, what's going on man?" Jake asked me.

"Nothing really. Just Nicole trying to start trouble." I told them.

"So, I take it Kitty is waiting for you at your locker." Sam commented.

"Yeah." I told them.

We then got to my locker Kitty was standing there waiting for me. She looked up from her phone and smiled to me.

"So, how was the practice?" She asked us.

"Good." I told her.

"Looks like you haven't done any harm to her." Jake said to Kitty.

"Don't worry. I was behaving." She told us.

"How are you Kitty?" Sam asked her.

*Kitty's POV*

"I am alright." I told him.

"You know we miss you in Glee." Sam told me.

"I miss you guys too. But fine the girls won't stop. I can't. I know you understand. I need to do this for me." I told them truthfully.

"Yeah. We understand." He told me.

"Have you gone to your locker yet?" Ryder asked me.

"No. I went right to the glee room. So, I still do need to go to my locker." I told Ryder.

"Come. So, what did Mr. Shuester think of it?" I said.

Then we headed to my locker. When we got to my locker. I opened my locker. A piece of paper fell out of my locker. I looked at the guys. I then picked it up. I then looked it over before opening it. I opened it and saw...

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