Chapter 24

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I was sitting there with tears coming down. I didn't see Finn.

"Kitty, are you okay?" He asked me. I looked up and I still have tears coming down. I must look horrible.

"Yeah. I am fine." I said whipping away to tears. He came and sat next to me.

"No you are not. What is wrong?" He asked me.

"I know you are wondering where my family is." I said.

"I was going to ask. So Where are they?" He asked me.

"Well my mom is at a spa with someone. My father is on a business trip. Something not a lot of people know is that my brothers are fighting for our country." I told him.

"So you have no one?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I looking at the ground.

"Kitty, I am sorry. But you are not alone. You have your glee family here." He said.

"I know that Finn. But no offence it is not the same. I just want my true family here. I also really miss my brothers." I said.

"I understand because of my father." He said.

"Yeah." I said. Then the bell rang for the next block.

"Kitty, remember everything is going to be okay." Finn said.

"Thanks Finn." I said. Brittany brought out my things out for me. "Thanks Brit."

*Finn's POV*

I watched Kitty walked away with Brittany. I walked back into the room. The families were still in there. Also the all the older glee members. I want to make Kitty feel better.

"What's going on Finn?" Mr. Shuster asked me.

"It's Kitty." I said to him.

"What about her?" Ryder's mother asked me.

"I know you girls know that she has no one here for her." I said.

"What? Where is her family?" Mr. Shuester asked me.

"Her mother is at a spa. Her father is on a business trip. Her brothers are fighting for our country." I said.

"Wait, she has brothers." Rachel said.

"Yeah, you guys didn't know that. That was all she talked about to me about. She is so proud of them." Puck said.

"Then what can you tell me about her brothers?" I asked Puck.

"Well she has five brothers. There is Ethan and Hector the twins who are twenty-five. Ethan is in the Coast Guard. Hector is in the Army. Then there is Jonathan, Jace, and Joshua the triples who are twenty-four. Jace is in the Navy. Joshua is in the Marine Corps. Jonathan is in the Air Force." Puck told us.

"Wow. That is a lot of brothers." Santana said.

"Yeah. What are you thinking about man?" Puck asked.


*Kitty's POV*

I was in English with Marley and Unique. They were staring at me. I know why they are staring at me. They want to know what was going to with me and why I went out in the hallway.

I saw watched them pass a piece of paper to each other and then it landed on my desk.

What's going on? ~ M

What are you not telling us? ~ U

Nothing you guys need to worry about. ~ K

I then toss it back at Marley. She wrote in it and then passed it to Unique. Then it ended up on my desk again.

Are you sure? ~ M

Kitty is this about your parents. ~ U

No. It's something else. I just don't want to talk about it. ~ K

Come on Kitty. We know it is something bugging you. Please tell us. We are your friends. You can trust us. ~ M

Come on girl spill. Or this about Ryder and You-Know-Who? ~ U

It not about any of that. So girls it's just something I have been dealing with since I was little. So it's nothing. ~ K

It is not nothing ~ M

Just tell us ~ U

I didn't write back to them. I just put it in my bag. Then the bell rang for the end of class. I grabbed my things and got out of there.

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