Chapter 55

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We then hanged out. Maybe this sleepover might be a good idea. A way to reconnect with the girls. Also, for the girls to meet my cousin. I think she would like that. Another plus side is Nicole could know that me and my cousin are one together again. So, she better watches out. Maybe I will do it. But first I must talk to Kayla. See what she thinks.

So, Kayla and I were going to join the sleepover. I for the first time not nervous. I was ready for it. I was not going to let Nicole ruin this for me. I wanted to reconnect with the girls and that is what I was going do.

"So, do you get everything?" Finn asked me.

"Yeah. You going to be okay being here alone. I know it's going to be weird not having me around." I said jokingly. I know he was going to be fine.

"Yeah. You sure you don't want me to take you just incase he was going to show his face?" He asked me.

"Yeah. I sure. Kayla will be with me. I should be fine. Ash knows better then mess with me when we are together." I told him.

Then we heard the buzzer. Someone was asking to get into our building. I went over to it and pressed the button and said,


"Let me in." Kayla's voice said throw the box.

I then pressed the button that let people into the building. She will be up soon. I went over to my things and made sure I had everything.

We then heard the door. Finn went over to it to let Kayla in. I could see Finn light up a bit. I think he is crushing on her. I can tell this. I am never wrong.

"Hey Kayla." He said.

"Hey Finn. You ready cuz?" She asked me.

"Yeah. Let's do this." I said.

"Have fun. If you anything I'm just a text away." He told me.

"Will do. See you Finn." I said.

"Bye Finn." Kayla said.

We then headed to Quinn's place. I was thinking everything throw. I know Ash is probably going to drop off his sister. So, I am ready for it.

When we pulled up to Quinn's place I could tell everyone was here. I didn't see Ash or his car. So, maybe we missed him. Or he has come yet.

"You okay?" Kayla asked me.

"Yeah. It's time to reconnect with these girls." I said.

"Okay. Let's do this." She said.

We then grabbed our things and headed to the door. I pressed the doorbell. We waited for someone to come let us in. Just then the door opens revealed Quinn.

"Hey. So happy you guys could make it." Quinn said letting us in.

"Thanks for inviting us." I said.

"No problem. Everyone is already here. So, come on." She said.

We our things with the others. Then followed Quinn to the kitchen where everyone was. Right when we hit the kitchen I saw Nicole's eyes go big.

"So, everyone this is my cousin Kayla." I said.

"Well, let's not be rude and not introduce ourselves." Rachel commented.

"Oh, don't worry Rachel. I'm right though that's your name. Kitty already told me all your names and who you are." Kayla said.

She wasn't lying there. I have kept her in my life always no matter the distance. So, she already knows everyone names and who they are.

"Okay. That's great." Rachel said.

We then went to the counter and just started to talk and everything. We were deciding what we wanted to do first. I then suggested hanging by the pool because it is such a nice day.

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