Chapter 54

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I went right over to her. She saw me come towards her. We gave each other a big hug. I was so happy to have her here. We went over to where Ryder was waiting for us.

"Kayla, I am so happy to have you here." I told her.

"I'm so happy to be here." She told me.

After she got her coffee she came over to me and Ryder. She took the chair right next to me.

"Kayla this is Ryder. Ryder this is my cousin Kayla." I introduced each other.

"It's nice to meet you Kayla. I heard a lot about you and your family." Ryder told her.

I did tell him a lot about Kayla and her parents. They meant a lot to me. They mainly helped my brothers raised me. My aunt and uncle were the closest thing to parents to me.

"It's really nice to meet you two. I heard a lot of things about you and everyone." Kayla said.

There isn't anything I keep from Kayla. She is my older sister I never had. Her and my bothers are they only ones that know everything about me.

We hanged out for a while. I love having her here. I think Ryder and Kayla got along. I think they could become good friends.

It has been while. I have been hanging out and talk to Kayla lot. Finn and Kayla got to meet too. I think there might be something there.

"Morning." I said heading into the living room.

"Morning Kitty." Finn said to me.

I went over to kitchen and started to make us breakfast. We have become a good family. I really don't want to leave. I feel safe and happy here.

"So, Rachel and the girls were thinking about having a girls' night. I think it would be a good idea you join. It could strengthen your guys friendship better." Finn said.

"Is Nicole going to be there?" I asked.

"Probably. But I think you should still go and show them that you are stronger." He said.

"I will think about it. I will let them know." I told him.

"Okay. So, what are your plans today?" He asked me.

"Probably hang out around the apartment. Nothing really big. What about you?" I asked him.

"I have to head to the school for a teacher thing. Mr. Shuester wants me to join to learn from it." He told me.

"Have fun. I will be here in my PJs." I told him.

"Deal. Have a lazy day for both of us." He told me with a smile.

It has been a while since I felt like this. This place feels like home. I don't even care that it's smaller then where I usually life. That never matter to me. All I care about is happiness.

I was relaxing on the couch having a movie playing in the background. I was working on a sketch. Just having a day to me. Not worrying about anything.

I then heard my phone go off. I looked at it to see it was Quinn. I didn't want to answer it at first. But then I decided to any ways. Let's see what's going on.

"Hey Kitty. What's going on?" Quinn asked me.

Out of all the girls Quinn really took a step back and let me breath since I returned to glee. The others have given the respect by not asking any more. But they do watch me and see if they can figure it out on their own.

"Hey Quinn. Nothing really. Having a me day. What's going on with you?" I asked her.

Still no one knows that I am living with Finn right now. No one except for Ryder, his family, and Kayla, her family. But that's the only right because they are closest thing to me as a true family. Glee is my family. But nothing like these guys.

"Nothing really. So, I am having the girls over to my place for a sleepover. Was wondering if you busy this weekend? If you want to join? I know with everything going on it really hasn't been the same since you came back. So, I thought maybe this could help fix a few things." Quinn told me.

"I don't know Quinn. Truthfully, I don't know if I am conformable with it all. The girls bugged me to no end and give me respect I needed. I know I have joined back glee. But I don't know if it's smart to jump right in." I told her truthfully.

"I know Kitty. But what if you could bring someone you feel conformable with you? Anyone? They will be welcomed just like family." Quinn told me.

"I will think about it Quinn. Just give me time. I will let you know by Friday." I told her.

"Okay. Hey Kitty, I know you don't want to talk about it. But if you want to ever have a place to just get away from everyone and hide away. Let me know. You are always welcomed to hide out at my place. I know how to keep a secret." She told me.

"Thanks Quinn. I will remember that. I will talk to you later." I said.

"Talk to you later." She told me.

We then hanged out. Maybe this sleepover might be a good idea. A way to reconnect with the girls. Also, for the girls to meet my cousin. I think she would like that. Another plus side is Nicole could know that me and my cousin are one together again. So, she better watches out. Maybe I will do it. But first I must talk to Kayla. See what she thinks.

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