Chapter 23

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"Hello sweetheart." I heard on the other line.

"Hec?" I said over the phone surprised.

"Yes Kitty. It is me." My brother Hector said.

"Oh my gosh. I really miss you. How are you?" I asked him. I was surprised because I haven't heard my brothers' voices for a while now. I was so happy to hear his voice. Mostly right now.

"I am good. How are you?" He asked me.

"I am good." I said to him.

"Kitty, you are lying to me. So what is up?" He said.

"You know me to well. So have you heard for our other brothers?" I asked him.

"Not really. But you are trying to change the subject. I know you because I am your brother. So now talk little sis." He said to me.

"Fine. I just miss you mostly this week in glee. It's family week. Well...." I told him.

"Let me guess. Dear mommy and daddy were too busy to make it." He said sounding annoyed.

"Yeah. And that you guys are far away and I got no one here for me." I said to him.

"Kitty, you know we wish we could be there for you. I really hate when they do this to you. When I see our parents again I am going to give them a piece of my mind." He said to me.

"I know you want to be here. Don't get me wrong I am so proud of you guys but you been gone too long. I just want to see you one time. Even for just a second. I don't care. I just miss you." I said trying hold back my tears.

"I know. I miss you with everything in our heart. I wish I could see you in person too. But remember be strong. We will be home someday. Just have hope. One day we will be together. But remember we fight to keep our country safe and you safe." He said to me.

"I know. I am proud to be your sister. Hope is all I have. It just gets lonely." I said to him.

"I bet. Hey head up high. Don't let them bring you down. You are strong Kitty. We will get through this as a family. Remember we are always with you." He said.

"In my heart. Look to the sky and know we are looking at the same one." I said to him.

"That is my girl. I have to go. But I love you Kitty. I will see you soon." He said to me.

"Love you too. Be safe. Come home in one piece." I said to him.

"Always." Was his last words. Then I heard a click. I closed my phone and slide down the wall. I couldn't hold them back any more. I let the tears come down. I can't believe I am alone on this week. My family is not here for me. I can't blame my brothers. They are away fighting for our country. My mother picking a spa with a person she doesn't even like over her own daughter. What about my father? He could have sent someone else. But no he had to go. I just feel so lonely. I hate it.

I was sitting there with tears coming down. I didn't see.......

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