Chapter 58

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"Kitty, what is going on? What I just saw now I know something is wrong. Are you scared of Ash?" Santana asked me.

I know now I must tell her. She needs to know. I can't hide it from her any more. The past is coming around too much. He is coming around more. I won't have the guys around always. Like today. I need more help. I then said,


"What happened Kitty? Why are you so scared of him?" She asked me.

"You know Nicole and Ash is from my past. There is a reason they stayed there." I started. I then told her everything that happened between me and them. I mean everything.

"Kitty, oh my gosh. If I know that. I won't let that bitch or asshole near you. Nicole told us you would let us lies. But I know you won't lie about something like this." Santana told me.

"I know she would try to do this to me. She wants to ruin my life for some reason. I just want to live my life and move forward with it." I told her truthfully.

"When we get back I am kicking that bitch out. I don't care what the others have to say. I will not let her ruin anything else for you. Mostly, your friendship with us. That make sense now why the guys are over protective of you." She told me.

"Yeah, they just want to make me safe. But I haven't felt safe because he has been getting bolder and we can't do anything about it because we can't prove it's him. Trust me, Ryder's dad has been helping me. He has been trying to make a case against him." I told her.

"Well, we are going to have to tell him about this. So, he can hold onto it." She told me.

"Yeah. I am going to tell him. I think I should call him now. So, he knows." I told her.

"You do that. Kitty, I am wondering something. When I kick her out, the girls are going to be questioning. Can we tell them?" She asked me.

"Yes. It's time. I can't go throw this without you guys." I told her.

"You are not going to have to. We are right here and always be." She told me.

She started to drive. I called Ryder's dad to tell him what happened. He wasn't that happy about it. But he was proud on how I handle it. When we got back to Quinn's place I was already done talking to him. I was just getting off the phone with Ryder. I thought he deserved to know what happened. He was going to inform the guys.

"You ready?" She asked me.

"Yeah." I told her.

We got all the bags and headed into the house. Everyone was in the kitchen. I didn't say anything. I just stood aside. Santana then came in behind me. She put her bags down. She turned to Nicole. Now it was going to get ugly.

"Get your things and get out you piece of shit." She said told her.

"Excuse me? Why do I have to leave?" Nicole asked.

"Because I now know the truth about you and that lousily piece of shit of a brother. So, if you don't get your things and get the hell out now. You won't like what is coming to you." Santana said. She meant her word.

"Santana, what is going on?" Quinn asked.

"Trust me on this one girls. We will explain everything soon as this one leaves." She said.

I just stood there. I wasn't going to say anything. Not until she leaves. I am happy that Santana is here to help me. Nicole looked over to me all mad.

"You bitch. What did you tell her? Lies of course. Come on girls. Are you really going to believe her over me? She hasn't been truthful with you and I have been." Nicole said.

"Well, I choose Kitty any day. Even when she didn't tell me the truth. I know these girls will agree with me when they find out the truth." Santana told me.

"Kitty may have been hiding something from us. But it probably is for a good reason. She has been our friend for a long time. She won't lie to us for no reason. We just meet you. So, truthfully, I stand by Kitty. If Santana thinks you are lying to us about the truth. Want you out for some reason. Then get got of my house. Now." Quinn told her.

Nicole looked at us surprised what has just been said. I known know that all the girls are standing behind me. They got my back. Nicole then went to grab her things and then left. When we heard the front door, slam shut they all turned to me. Looks like it's time for them to know the truth about my past.

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