Forty six

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Shawn's PoV:

I knocked on the door and waited for it to be answered. A couple minutes later Lena opened it and I hugged her as soon as she was in front of me.

"Wow, what's this for?" She chuckled and hugged me back.

"I'm slowly getting closer to Kaylee again" I smiled widely.

"Oh my god, what did you tell her?" She closed the door at my back and we walked to the kitchen.

"I spent the afternoon with her, it felt like for a moment everything was perfect, it was just her and me. We talked for hours about everything and nothing, now we are friends again"

"Well, that's good, right?"

"That's fucking amazing"

"What is fucking amazing?" Geoff asked as he entered to the kitchen meeting with Lena and I.

"He's slowly getting Kaylee back" Lena said.

"Oh, nice" he patted my shoulder.

"I will need you guys to tell her the best about me" I took a seat on a stool.

"We always do, Shawn" Lena smiled at me.

"Why do you ask us that anyways?" Geoff furrowed his brows and I gave a long sigh.

"Lena, you remember how she frightened the other day?"

"When she covered her face while you were in front of her?"

"Yes. So she did that because Cameron told her I used to get aggressive with her when we argued and that's why she thought I was going to hit her"

"What? I guess your worst fight was because she said Hunger Games was better than Harry Potter" Geoff said.

"Oh my god, don't bring that up" I said. How can she think Hunger Games is better than Harry Potter? Whatever, that's not the point "Anyways, she's accepted to be my friend" I said with the same emotion a kid has when he gets sweets.

"You're doing amazing, man" Geoff smiled at me.

"Thank you" I smiled back "Well, I have to go now, I just wanted to tell you that" I stood up from the stool.

"You're a really weird dude, you know that?" Lena said between laughters.

"Yeah, I get that a lot" I chuckled and went to the door.

I drove all the way back to my parents house. It's late and I should probably get some rest.

"Daddy!" Dylan yelled when I entered to the house.

"Hi, buddy" I picked him in my arms "How are you?"

"Good, where have you been today? We missed you"

"Oh, I missed you too guys. I have been doing some adults things" I walked to the kitchen with him in my arms. I sat him on a stool "Do you want something to eat?" He shook his head.

"Grandma made pancakes for us, we ate already" he played with his fingers.

"Oh, you ate them all?"

"In my defence it was Kai and also they were really good" he shrugged.

"Speaking of, where is your sister?"

"She is sleeping already"

"Aren't you tired?"

"A little, but I wanted to wait for you" he rubbed his right eye.

"Come on, we both need to rest" I picked him up again. I'll eat something after I tuck him in bed.

EVERMORE ; SMOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora