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{Six years back}

Shawn's POV:

Lena's about to leave Diane's hospital room when Andrew enters.

"Hey, guys. Congrats on your parenthood" he says a little cold. Diane whispered a 'Thank you' and then I see how she snuggles in the hospital bed to get some rest.

"What's up?" I say as I walk towards my manager.

"I want to talk to you, come please" he opens the door for me and I follow him out.

"So, what's it about?" I put my hands into my pockets.

"You have to leave now" he says indiferent and my heart stops. What?

"Excuse me? My girlfriend just gave birth, she needs me. Why do I have to go?" I say confused.

"Because this is going to ruin your career" he says obvious "You're nineteen and already a dad, your career is at its peak, how do you think this is gonna make you look in the industry?"

"So this is why you didn't let us say anything to my fans? Because you planned everything since the beginning! How can you be so cold, selfish and heartless?" I raise my voice.

"Calm down" he says tranquil.

"You don't tell me what to do" I say walking a few steps back.

"Yes, I do. It's in your contract" he looks at me with daring eyes. I sigh, he's right, he has control over me until this contract is over, I had totally forgot about that small -not so small- detail "I'm just doing what's best for you and your career" Instead of snapping back at him I give a long sigh, it would be useless to fight him because I know that at the end of the day, I have to do whatever he tells me to.

"Where am I going?" I say in surrender after a few seconds of thinking about it. I can't do anything, I signed those goddamn papers.

"Los Angeles. If the press asks you what happened with her, because she hasn't been seen with you for months, you'll simply tell them that you broke up and that you don't want to touch the topic any more. Now we have to go to your apartment to get your things, then we're heading to LA"

"Wait, I want to tell her" I point at my back.

"No, you can't, she's sleeping and we will lose our flight if you wait until she wakes up. We have to go now" Andrew rushes me.

"I can wake her up"

"She's gonna start asking countless questions and crying and shit. We don't have time for drama or her tantrums, let's go now. We'll miss our flight" he says with dominant voice. I didn't know he could be so strict, so cold, so heartless...

"Can I write her something at least? She deserves to know what's going on" I say with sad voice. Andrew sighs annoyed of my behaviour.

"Okay, but hurry" he rolls his eyes and I nod.

"I won't be long"

I walk to the reception to get paper and a pen.

I sit in the waiting room and with the worst pain I've ever felt, I start writing.

« Diane, my love, I don't know how to start this, I don't even know how to explain this, so I'll just say it as it is... Andrew just came to tell me I have to leave, he told me I can't be with you because this might ruin my career, I am going to LA and I don't know how long I'll be staying there. I swear to god that I never knew he was going to do this to us, now I understand why he didn't let us tell my fans the beautiful news about our babies and why he was so strict with you not going out. You know this isn't in my hands because I have to do everything he says, that's what's in my contract. I'm so sorry I have to leave like this.
I have to pretend like you and I broke up and I swear that this is hurting me more than it's hurting you; I never imagined I'd have to leave you, not even like this.
Baby, you know that I love you more than my own life, and now I do even more because you carried not one but two pieces of me for seven and a half months and now you'll be raising them.
It's only six years left until my contract with Island Records is over and I promise I'll be back for you the day after it's done. Then I'll sign with another record label that gives me more freedom, or I'll see what I'll do.
Please stay strong, do it for our babies, they'll need their mother. Please let them know that I'm not gone, explain this to them the best you can and let them know that I love them, even though I've just held them once.
I'm not going to forget about you, my darling, so please don't forget about me. Wait for me because I swear I'll be back.
I love you, my baby. I love you so much it hurts, but now I have to go.
Take care.
           — Shawn »

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