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I've got hard feelings
When it comes to you and me
And these hard feelings
Just won't let me be


"Hey! Happy thanksgiving!" I say to Lena when she answers the phone.

"It actually was yesterday, but thank you" she laughs "How are you guys doing?" I can hear her smile through the phone.

"We're fine, Kailani and Dylan are really happy cause..." I stop talking before mentioning Shawn.

"Because what?" 

"Uhm, because you'll be here in two days and they're excited" I try my best to make it sound believable.

"You were never good lying so you'll tell me sooner or later, but tell hem I miss them"

"Yeah, whatever" in that moment there{s a knock on the door "Well, I have to go, say hi to your parents" I say quickly and hang up. I know she's going to question me when she gets back.

I walk to the door already knowing who's behind it.

"Hey, are you ready?" Shawn says, smiling at me.

"Sure, let's go" I close the door at my back.

We walk to Shawn's car and then he drives to my kids' school.

"Kaylee?" He calls me when he stops under a traffic light and I look at him.


"I was wondering if you would like to go for dinner tonight?" He says nervously.

"I'd love to, but my parents are out for the weekend, Lena is in New York and there's no one I can leave Dylan and Kailani with"

"Well, we can leave them with my parents, I'm sure they'll love them, also Aaliyah would be cool with taking care of them, well if she's visiting my parents, you know, at her twenties she still loves little kids" he says, hoping for me to accept his dinner request.

"I don't know if they're ready. You know, this week they just met you and being like 'Hey, these are your grandparents and aunt that you don't know because we all lost contact with each other, but come on and love them' I feel like it's too much for them" I say worried. I don't know why but the idea of my kids meeting Shawn's parents and sister makes me nervous.

"Come on, they'll have fun. Aaliyah was really excited when you were pregnant, remember? And she didn't have the chance to meet them" well, he has a point. even though aaliyah and I had our differences, she indeed was crazy excited to become an aunt.

"You're right" I sigh.

"Please?" He looks at me with puppy eyes and makes a pout, then looks back to the road and presses the gas pedal since the light is green already.

"Okay" I say and he smiles.

He parks in front of the school and then opens the car's door for me.

"Thank you" I give him a smile.

We walk to the entrance and our hands are grazing. I feel a little uncomfortable for that and decide to cross my arms over my chest.

"Daddy!" We hear Kailani yelling and see her and Dylan running to us, well, to Shawn.

He hunker down and hugs them tightly.

"How are you?" He says pulling back from their hug.

"Happy because you're here. Hey, mummy" Dylan says and they walk to me and I kiss their cheeks.

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