Thirty nine

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A/n: I'm going back to two weeks after Kaylee's accident since it's Shawn's point of view, just telling so you don't get confused during the chapter. Enjoy.


Shawn's POV:

I grabbed my phone and dialled Kaylee's number again. It sounded disconnected.

"Give me your phone" I said to Geoff.

"What for?" He furrowed his brows.

"I have to call Kaylee and I guess something might be wrong with my phone as she's not answering. Please, just give me your phone" I extended my hand and he passed me his phone.

I dialled her number once again, and once again it sounded disconnected.

"Thank you" I gave Geoff his phone and grabbed mine.

"She answered?"

"If she had answered do you think I would've gave back your phone that quickly?" I asked sarcastically.

"Oh right I'm sorry. You know? It's late and I should get some sleep now" I nodded and he walked out of my hotel room.

I put my phone on my ear as it sounded making me wait for her to pick up and walked out of my hotel room so my kids won't listen my conversation, leaving the door half opened.

"Hi, Shawn" she said happily.

"Where's Kay?" I went directly to the point.

"I said hi, Shawn"

"Lena, I have no time for this. Where is she?" She went silent and I went crazy "Lena answer the damn question!"

"Hasn't she called you?"

"Do you think I would be calling you?" Why is she just like Geoff?

"You're right"

"So? Where is she and why isn't she picking up the phone?"

"Oh, she told me she sent you a message but probably you didn't get it. Well, remember Melissa? One of her friends from work?"

"Yeah, what's with her?"

"Well, you know that Kaylee works in organising events but she focuses in concerts, right? Melissa focuses in runway shows and fashion shows and those kind of events, but she has the chicken pox and she couldn't make it to the fashion week in Paris so Kaylee took her place, she's flying to France right now" she explained. Actually, it sounds logic.

"Oh, no, I didn't get her message, but thank you for telling me"

"Anything else?"

"Just, if she calls tell her to call me back, please" I sighed.

"Sure thing, good luck in your show tomorrow"

"Uhm, thanks" I hanged up.

I know how Kaylee is and how she likes to make everything perfect, maybe she knew about this before and was busy arranging things before she went to Paris and that's why she didn't call. Coming from Kaylee it's understandable and sounds logic, her phone could've died three days ago and she hasn't noticed because of how busy she is. Yup, that's Kaylee Bennet.

"Daddy!" Kailani yelled and I went back in the room.

"What's up, babe?" I got closer to the couch where she and Dylan where eating their gummy bears and watching tv.

"Were you talking to mum, I miss her" she sighed.

"Oh no, I was at the phone with Auntie Lena. I miss her too, but we'll see her soon, I promise" I caressed her cheek.

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