Thirty one

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Shawn's POV:

"Okay guys, just one last question" I looked at the hour on my phone and then to the crowd. "Yes, honey?" I pointed at a girl who was almost at the back of the room.

"Would you ever give up your career for someone you love?" The whole crowd went 'oh' when she said this. I took a couple seconds to answer that.

"That's actually a really good question" I chuckled nervously "Sadly, I don't think I can give you a concrete answer; see, my career and the person I love are completely different but at the end of the day, both are what I love the most. As you might know, I was separated from my current girlfriend for six years, in that time I realised that I felt empty, not completely cause I still had music and that kinda filled a space; now that we're back together I feel a hundred percent complete in all aspects, so I think that if I quit my career to be with her, I'd feel a part of emptiness, and if I quit being with her, the result would be the same, if that makes sense" I smiled shyly and they 'aw' at my answer.

"Wow, you are so in love" a girl sitting on the floor in front of me said with a kinda funny voice.

"Completely, insanely and truly in love" I answered looking at her and they 'aw' once again which made me laugh "Thank you so much, guys. Have fun tonight" I stood up from the table I was sitting on and headed to exit the room.

An hour later I was getting ready to go out on stage. I grabbed my guitar and started to walk to stage.

"Last show and then you get to see her" Geoff said before he went out to his spot. I smiled and took a deep breath, all I could think about was Kaylee and my kids.

My manager gave me the sign to go out and that's what I did. The arena was filled with screams of hormonal teenagers and people my age, there were even people older than me and it was kinda funny to see them jamming at my songs and not only being company to their daughters or whatever relative they were.

The show ended almost two hours and a half later and I walked out of stage with the biggest smile on my face knowing that I had gave my all out there and that I'll be seeing the love of my life in a couple hours.

Our suitcases were already in the vans which were going to take all of us to the airport. The ride to get there felt incredibly long and it just made me feel more anxious than I should be.

I went to document my luggage with Geoff who was the only one coming with me to Toronto, everyone else will be flying to New York, Los Angeles or Chicago. Then we waited for almost an hour for our flight to be called so we could finally take off to my city.

"Unless you want to make a hole to the floor, stop doing that" Geoff said and I looked down at my feet. I didn't notice I was tapping them against the floor like a freak.

"Sorry, I'm just really excited" I smiled like a five year old.

"So am I, but please stop it, you're making me nervous" he chuckled.

After the flight attendants checked everything was in order, we took off.

I plugged my earphones and started playing a special playlist I made a couple weeks after tour started which only had songs that reminded me of Kaylee. Cheesy, I know, but I couldn't help it, I missed her.

Seven hours later we were finally landing in the beautiful city of Toronto.

"You're coming with me or you'll meet with Lena somewhere else?" I asked to Geoff as I grabbed my suitcases.

"Where are you going?"

"To the condo"

"I'll come with you" I nodded at him and we started to walk to the exit.

"Do you need a ride, Mr. Mendes?" A familiar voice asked playfully at my back. I turned around to see Kaylee with our kids and Lena standing next to her.

I let go of my suitcases and walked to her the fastest I could and finally hugged her.

"You have no clue of how much I missed you" I whispered in her ear and tightened my hold on her.

"I missed you so much too" she pulled back her head and looked at me a couple seconds. She ran her fingers through my hair and my smile became bigger at the moment I felt her touching me like that. I leaned closer to her to kiss her. Finally.

"I missed your kisses too" I whispered against her lips when we pulled away.

"Daddy, we missed you!" Dylan said, catching my attention and I pulled away completely from Kaylee to hug my kids. I missed them like crazy too.

"Did you guys get taller?" I asked when I pulled away from them.

"A few centimetres" Kailani nodded happily.

"I was away for two months and a half, how is this possible? Stop growing" I chuckled and so did they. "You're ready? Oh, sorry" I asked to Geoff but turned around at the moment I saw him kissing Lena. It's not the first time I see them kissing but I still felt uncomfortable to interrupt them.

"Sorry" Lena chuckled "Hey, Shawn" she walked to me and I gave her a tight hug.

"I missed you, kid" I said to her and messed her hair. Besides Kaylee, Lena has been one of my best friends since freshman year.

"Do not call me kid, you ass" she pushed me and I chuckled.

"Do you guys want to go for breakfast?" Kay asked.

"Sure, the food on the plane was awful" I complained.

"You ate everything" Geoff teased me.

"Because I was hungry" I said obvious.

I grabbed some of my stuff and Kaylee helped me with some of my suitcases as well and we all walked out the airport.

By far it's been the worst chapter I've ever wrote, i am so sorry this is such a shitty part but it's been really difficult to write. It took me over two weeks to write it and I barely hit a thousand words.

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