Thirty five

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"I'm already outside, if you're not down in five, I'll leave you here" I said through the phone.

"Don't you dare, I'm just putting on my shoes" Lena said on the other line. I hanged up and waited for her. She always takes forever to be ready and at times it's annoying.

Three minutes later, she was already with me.

"I thought you'd make me wait until I had grandkids" I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up and drive"

After twenty minutes we made it to the restaurant where Cameron and another guy were waiting for us, but I didn't recognise the other guy.

"Hey" I said as we got closer to them.

"Hey girls! Lena, I missed you!" Cameron said and pulled Lena into a tight hug.

"I missed you too, I'm so happy you're back in Toronto" she smiled at him.

"So am I, do you remember Luke?" Cameron said and pointed to the blonde guy. Oh, so now he's blonde? I do remember him, he was, well apparently still is, Cameron's guy best friend.

"Of course, how are you?" I said and pulled him into a hug.

"I'm good, what about you, kids?" He said to Lena and me.

"Okay, just because you're two months older than me doesn't make me a kid" Lena defended herself.

"You will always be a kid for me, even though you two are all grown and shit" he chuckled. He's always been such a nice guy and I don't know why we lost contact.

"This whole time you've been here?" I asked to Luke.

"No, I've been here and there, not specifically in one place" he shrugged "But I came back like a year ago"

"Well thank you for calling" Lena said sarcastically.

"I've been busy"

A waitress came to give us the menu and came back ten minutes later to take our orders.

"So, do you girls got any plans for tonight?" Luke asked.

"I don't" I shrugged.

"Neither I, why?" Lena answered.

"Because the boys and girls are planning to go out tonight, as a celebration that Cameron came back" Luke explained.

"Oh, so you're that important?" I teased Cam.

"You doubt it?" He asked with high self esteem and I rolled my eyes funny.

"Why all of a sudden everyone is meeting and coming out from their hiding places?" Lena said.

"Maybe because it's summer and everyone has a break from their jobs?" Cameron said sarcastically.

"Touché" Lena answered back.

"So what's the plan?" I asked.

"Just go clubbing" he shrugged "Like the good old days"

"I was never in those good days, well, nights" I said. Whenever they went out I had to stay with my kids, so I never actually went clubbing with them, maybe two or three times.

"Oh yeah, how are your kids doing?" Luke said "For a moment I forgot you were a mother" he chuckled.

"They're really good, thank you for asking" I smiled at him.

"Why didn't you bring them?"

"Oh, they're spending time with their dad"

"Wait, so they now know him? When did that happen?" He said confused.

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