"It's okay I'm just proud of you and your hard work I know this was something you wanted for a while" my hand played with his beard while his hand rested on my waist "I know it's still surreal". He looked up at the ceiling still smiling "God is good ain't he?" I nodded resting my head on his chest

"All the time baby, all the time" I agreed letting go when the dogs came trotting in "oh I see Y'all missed me" he played with them as they jumped up on him "see even they can sense the happy energy" I cooed moving to the kitchen to give them their treats "where Ava?" He asked following behind me "upstairs probably sleeping" I shrugged unsurely

"Congrats Odell I see you doing big things" Nattie appeared giving him a hug "thanks Nattie I appreciate it"

"Y'all look like a married couple with these damn dogs and this house" she added thinking she was slick leaning against the counter waiting for a response. "Wait on it" O replied quietly but covering it by saying something else "Y'all know I was a single father raising these children by myself" I swear the dogs were really Odell's children or the closest he had to "that makes me the stepmom" he nodded confirming "stepmoms aren't usually liked though" I added in that fact it was true I couldn't name someone who liked their stepmother.

"But you different, they obviously love you" he was right they did love me sometimes more than him. "So I was thinking we should celebrate, go out tomorrow and then maybe a dinner with your pops and mom later in the week" I told him my ideas hoping he would agree with them.

"That's cool my mom would love that especially since you came up with the idea" he continued to let me know how much his mother adored me. "I guess I'm just loveable all around huh" I tooted my own horn.

"Girl bye I could name five people that don't like you" Nattie interrupted saying her goodbyes "they're called haters" I answered to the people that weren't a fan of me.

"So like since I just signed a huge deal Do I get like a reward or something" he lowered his voice tracing the lining of my shirt with his fingers. "I mean I guess you could get a lil some'n" I shrugged rubbing his beard, that got him excited instead of being kissed I was pulled down on the couch by my legs so that I was now laying down.

He ruffled with my top before finally getting it off wasting no time leaving love bites all over my body. "Wait" I pushed back a bit at the corner of my eye I could see Ava quietly watching.

"Take the dogs for a walk first" I motioned to Ava who was trying to snuggle into my arms "ughh fine" he groaned but reluctantly gave in.

The next day I was in full on surprise mode tonight I was going to be throwing a little party at this club downtown for Odell. I had invited his teammates a Dj, friends who were in town and who could make it on such a short notice. I was also in works with the club to try and get them to serve his cake.

I had ordered a cake for him which by the way was not cheap especially since with was on such a short notice. I also bought it not knowing if the club would even allow it inside but sure they would if I gave them a few more bucks.

Since I was out making sure everything was good Ben and Sterling had come over to keep O occupied for majority of the day, while they did that my job was to make sure the decorations for the club was set, make sure the cake was finished, make sure everyone that was invited is here and has the right address and then find an outfit, so far I had only done one out of the four so you can just imagine how stressed I was feeling right now.

"What you up to" Nattie asked on the other line, she had called me to see what she should wear for tonight "uhhh running errands for tonight stressing out," I say talking my fingers on the steering wheel waiting for the light to turn green.

The Perfect Ruin (OBJxSevyn)Where stories live. Discover now