Stoner Dan (part 2)

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AN- The chapter where you can promote your stories will be called "SHOUT OUTS" or something like that. Just so y'all know <3

The next day I find Dan in class. He's sitting at his desk, his cheek in his palm. He looks tired. I can feel the late night from before wearing on me as well.

I walk up to his seat, his eyes falling lazily on my face. He lifts his head, smiling as he sees me.

"Hey, girl. What's up?"

"Hey, Dan. I accidentally took your jacket home." I say as I hand it to him.

"Thanks." He responds, hanging it over the back of his chair.

"I know there's a test coming up soon. Are you free after class to study?"

"Shit I totally forgot." He gasps, his head falling back. He lets out a long groan in frustration. "Thanks for reminding me. I work tonight, but it's so chill, pop by any time and we can work on it."

"Where do you work?"

"Cloverleaf Lanes."

"The bowling alley on East end?"

"Yeah, you got it. I work right after class until about nine."

"Great. I'll come by around five."

The professor enters the room as if on cue, greeting us. I sit in my seat a couple rows down and take out my books.


Around four I start getting ready. I shower and get dressed. I grab my bag and my laptop before heading out. I stop at a local A&W and pick up some burgers and fries for us both. Hopefully he hasn't eaten.

I pull up in front of the old bowling lane, the neon sign out front showing a four leaf clover flickering madly.

I grab my bag and go inside. I immediately notice the smell of pizza and smoke. The sound of bowling balls hitting pins fills the air, along with rock music. I notice my white shirt begins to glow a florescent purple. There's a black light somewhere.

"Hey, (Y/n)!" I hear. My head turns, my eyes falling on Dan. He's leaning over the large counter, waving at me.

As I get closer to him, I notice the smell of weed. He must've been smoking. So he'll probably be hungry. Bringing food seems wise, now.

We sit at a table in the back room. There are old bowling pins and bowling balls lying around. Along the farthest wall is a counter with bowling shoes lined neatly along it. In the middle of the table sits an old pizza box, a small bag with weed, and a clear bong.

He tosses the box into a nearby garbage bin before he returns to me. He sets his bag on the table, pulling out his textbook and ratty binder.

"I brought dinner." I tell him as I set the bag of food on the table. "I hope you like A&W."

"You're a life saver. I'm starving."

I pull out my burger and fries before I slide the bag over to him. I unwrap my burger laying the paper on the table. I dump my fries out beside it before squeezing some ketchup from a little packet out beside them. I pick up some fries and dip them in the ketchup before I pop them into my mouth. I peer over at Dan, watching as he devours his burger. He has ketchup on his chin, but I doubt he cares.

"Food has never tasted more good thanks it does right now." He sighs.

We work on a section about Macbeth, rereading certain sections and finding references to mental disorders. We name the significance of different scenes. When we're reaching the end of our study session a group of teenage boys come up to the front desk, their bowling shoes in hand. Dan excuses himself to tend to them. He says goodbye, followed by their names. They must come in regularily.

Dan Avidan ▶One Shots▪Imagines ◀ (completed)Where stories live. Discover now