Submission 2

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By: Robinthepegasus

Move in with me

-Danny's POV-

I was having a stressful day at work. To be honest with you, I just want an good old cuddle with my girlfriend, (Y/n).

She makes my days lighter and everything just feels calm when she's around. Everything is okay​ with her near me.

I swear, without her.. My life would have been stressful and just out of control. I would have stayed up 7 days straight. I would overdrink coffee. I would be a complete mess.

After the normal day of recording, I made my way home. Now I just want a relaxing day of nothing.

I need to calm down. I felt the need to buy some chocolate, to my girlfriend. I just wanted too. I love her so much she deserves some love from me.

I drove to the store and then right back to my house. (Y/n) doesn't live with me yet, but we thought about it.

I wanted her too.. We have been together for almost 7 months now. I let her take her time. I want her to be ready. When she feels like it.

When I arrived home, (Y/n) was waiting for me. I stopped the car and got out. "Danny boo!" She came running toward me. I grinned and gently spun her around.

"Hey" I just kept my grin. "Babe, I bought you chocolate" I handed her the chocolate bar. "Thank you Danny boo!" I smiled more.

We both walked toward my house. "Dan, I have something to tell you.." My eyes slowly widen. Has something happened? Does she want to break up with me? I tried to keep my calm.

"Remember when you asked me to move in with you but I said no?" I nodded. "Ask me again" I stopped and turned to look at her.

I gently took her hands and looked into her eyes. "Move in with me.. please." "Yes, Dan, I would love too." I smiled wider than ever before.

"I was waiting for you to say yes" She giggled in the most cutest way ever. This felt like the time I asked her to be my girlfriend. She said yes and giggled afterward.

I can't believe how far we have come. It doesn't matter how far or how hard it's gonna be. I know we can get through it together.

I love her and she loves me. That's all that matters. "We should get inside, it's starting to rain"

We both made our way inside my house as I laid down on my couch. "Thank you Danny.." I looked at her. "For what?" "For being here for me and never leaving me." "I would never leave you..." I paused "Because I love you.."

(Y/n) gave me a warm and loving hug "And I thank you for all the dates and quiet moments we have had" I chuckled and hugged her back. "Same to you babe"

"I love you, Danny,"

"I love you too, (Y/n)."

Then we just spent the day cuddling and enjoying the quiet and calm silence.

Dan Avidan ▶One Shots▪Imagines ◀ (completed)Where stories live. Discover now