Obsessed (Part 3- Final Part)

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That night he chains me to the bed and he locks the door behind him as he leaves. I wait for a very long time, until I know he's long gone and probably asleep. Then I sit up. I squint through the darkness as I begin to observe the chains, feeling over them, seeing if there's any means of escape. I don't find one.
Maybe I could try to break the bed. It's made out of metal, though. I don't know how that'd work.
I try fiddling with the chain around my ankle. I try to slip it off. To my shock, I manage to wiggle my foot out of the chain. I cover my mouth, tears forming in my eyes. I need to get out NOW.
I climb out of the bed and tiptoe across the room. I try the doorknob. It's locked. But there is a window.
I walk over and reach up. I fiddle with the latch and slip the glass open. I grab onto the edge and yank myself up. I am hanging halfway out when I notice the drop. It's really far. What if I break my neck? I need to take that chance. I'll die if I stay here.
I let myself fall and I land on my side. It hurts, but I force myself to my feet and begin to run. I never took into consideration that the house we were in would be in the middle of the woods.
I need to find a way out.
I hear the noise of cars in the distance, so I begin to run in the direction of the sound.
I stumble over bushes and scrape my knees many times. I also run through a patch of bushes, their thorns scraping open my legs as well.
In little time I see a road. I push my legs, running at full speed. I run into the middle of the road. A car approaches. I wave my arms. It stops in front of me. I run over to the side door. I pull it open.
"You have to help me! This man kidnapped me and he was going to kill me and turn me into a doll or something!"
"Get in." The driver says.
"Thank you!" I exclaim as I jump in, closing the door behind me. The car takes off as I am buckling up.
"So where to?" The driver says. I notice now that it's a male wearing a black leather jacket, a black hood over their head.
"The police station."
After a few minutes of sitting in silence I peer up and catch the driver staring at me through the rearview mirror.
I gasp. I recognize that intense stare, those eyes... I scream.
He puts his hood down, locking the doors.
"Let me go!" I scream at him, tears flooding down my cheeks. "Let me go, you sick freak!"
"Not a chance." He says. Then he turns, pointing a gun at me. He pulls the trigger and I fade into black.

Hey you. Yeah, you. The gorgeous one. Thank you so much for almost 10k reads! This is awesome!! I love you to bits. Have a great day!
-Abby xoxo

Dan Avidan ▶One Shots▪Imagines ◀ (completed)Where stories live. Discover now