Submission 3

863 19 6

By: galacticturtles

"You are SO scared."

"Am not!" I argue back, like a child.

"Hmm..." he said, crossing his arms.

A few seconds passed before the next sound of thunder pounded through the house.

"AH!" I scream and run into Danny's arms.

"Not so scared are we?" He said, looking down at me with my face buried in his chest, his strong, but skinny arms around my tiny fragile body.

"Okay maybe just a little." I mumble through his shirt.

"Aww babe, you're so cute. Want me to take you somewhere where it's safer?"

I slowly nodded, my head still buried in his chest, gripping his shirt softly.

"Okay baby." Without warning, he scoops me up off my feet, bridal style. I immediately let go of his shirt and wrap my arms around his neck. I felt like I was flying because of his giant height.

"Don't drop me please, Danny."

"Don't worry, (Y/N), I got you. I won't drop you, mostly because you're as light as a feather. Like seriously, damn girl."

That made me laugh, something he could easily do, which I found so charming about him. He began taking me somewhere in the house, but I had no idea where it was since I had never seen the house from this angle before. Is this what Danny saw all the time?

"You're so cute when you laugh, (Y/N)."

"Well you one-up me cause you're cute all the time."

"Shut up, you know that's not true.."

He eventually places me on what I assume to be our bed. It turns out that I was correct because I saw all of the records and pictures on the walls. Another roar of thunder echoed through the house, this time louder than before, shaking the ground. I hid in the blanket and I feel Danny get in the bed and snuggle next to me.

"This is the safer place?" I asked, ashamed of my embarrassing fear of thunderstorms.

"Yes baby, right here, in my arms," he said wrapping his giant arms around me, enveloping my body with his. His hair getting all over the place, but I loved it either way.

"I can't believe you're not laughing at me, being afraid of thunderstorms and all."

"Well, you know I'm afraid of the ocean because sharks are fucking scary, so I'm not gonna judge you. Also.... I love you, (Y/N) and I want to protect you. So anything that scares you isn't embarrassing. Even this fucking storm." As he said that, the sound of thunder could be heard rumbling through the house yet again. I put my face in his chest yet again as if to try and shield myself even though there was nothing there. I guess I just liked being close to him.

"It's okay, baby. Everything's gonna be okay." He lightly kisses the top of my head.

I laid my head on his chest and listen to the soft rhythm of his heartbeat.

"Hey Danny?"

"Yeah, babe?"

"I love you."

"I love you too." He kisses my head again and we listen to the sounds of pouring rain outside the window. Somehow, it wasn't so bad with him.

He begins to hum a song that I couldn't recognize and I asked him what it was.

"It's a love song. Whenever you're not home I listen to it and I always think of you. It's even worse when you're not in the house for a few days. Then that shit's on repeat."

"Aww, I'll remember to take you with me next time. Also now you know what it feels like when you're on tour, whether it's for Game Grumps or Ninjasexparty."

"I can't believe I haven't taken you on tour with me.... you're my fucking girlfriend. Oh yeah it's cause I'm scared of what the Lovelies will think."

"Oh, well you're very open with them usually so it shouldn't be a problem."

"Yeah I'll think about it when we go on tour again."

Afterwards, we laid there in silence until he started humming again. Eventually my eyelids were fluttering as I tried to stay awake and the storm died down. His heartbeat was slowing down which meant he was tired too. That was all I remembered before I drifted away into a deep sleep from a night I would never forget.

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