Get Outta Here

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I sit in the crowded audience in the large room. Dan and the other Grumps are on stage talking. They sit behind a long table, various items, including a box of Cheez-its, scattered amidst their microphones.
"We have many skits and projects happening behind the scenes. We are also touring with Tupperware Remix Party, if you guys know who they are." Dan's words are followed by cheers.
"Awesome! They're totally rad guys." Brian says.
"They really are! They are so funny, too..." Dan adds.
My attention is drawn off of Dan by a tap of my shoulder. I turn around and see a younger woman.
"Uh, sorry, that guy back there is trying to get your attention, I think." I follow the direction she points. The man I see standing there causes my stomach to sink and I immediately clench my teeth together. I thank the kind lady and I get up, scooting in front of the people in my row. I apologize as I pass them, clearly disrupting their attention. Why did I sit in the front row? Oh yeah, cause I wanted to be with the fans.
Some people recognize me as I walk by. I smile as I go.
I see him standing by the door. I frown as he sees me, but he smiles.
"What are you doing here?" I hiss under my breath.
"Well, I heard you would be here so I decided to come say hello."
"I made it very clear when we broke up that I didn't want to see you again. Besides, who told you I'd be here?"
"Well, you're dating that Sexbang guy so I just assumed."
"Yeah. That's nice. But you really should leave. After what you did to me, you really don't want to show your face around here, especially when Dan is here." I put emphasis on his name, since this loser doesn't seem to know it.
"What I did wasn't even that bad."
"'That bad'? You slept with my best friend and bear my brother to a pulp when he tried to defend me. Remember? The night I found out what you did? And I started yelling at you and you grabbed my wrist? You twisted it so hard you sprained it. That's right, you may not remember, but I DO!" My voice sharply rises.
"Come on. You wouldn't have sex with me. Your friend was a slut and I knew I could get it out of her. I had to get it from somewhere."
I feel my anger bubbling up inside me. But I refuse to make a scene.
"Just leave." I hiss.
"But why-" He begins.
"Leave!" I whisper loudly. Then do I notice the room is quieter.
"Come on, babe-"
And suddenly, from the front of the room, Dan shouts, "GET OUTTA HERE!"
My exes hear snaps toward Dan's voice. His eyes widen, but he doesn't move. The eyes of every person in the room are on us.
Dan quickly gets up, hopping down off the stage. He speed-walks down the aisle and the man before me turns and races out of the door. When Dan reaches me, I am surprised to see the look of anger on his voice. He peers out of the doors. Then he grabs hold of my hand. He walks me back up past my seat and backstage. He guides me to a more discreet, empty area.
"Are you okay, babe? He didn't try anything, did he?  You're not hurt?"
"I'm okay. He didn't touch me." I say. "He apparently came by to say hello. But he ended up telling me that he had slept with my best friend because I wasn't putting out and it turned into a bit of a fight. But it's fine. Don't worry about it."
"I'm going to worry about it, honey. I love you. And what he did to you was wrong. He didn't deserve you. I'm glad you didn't put out." He leans closer. "You got a rocking body and, honestly, I'm glad to know I'm the only one who has got to put my hands on it."
I can't help, but laugh. He always makes me feel better in any situation. I wrap my arms around his neck. His arms snake their way around my waist.
"I love you." I say softly, my voice muffled by his hair.
"I love you too, darling." He says.

Dan Avidan ▶One Shots▪Imagines ◀ (completed)Where stories live. Discover now