Chapter 1: Quick Explanation

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[Author's Note:]

This is not my best work and one that I almost hate. So if you wanna get a taste of how I write stories, I suggest you DO NOT read this one. I am not really proud of this and finished it ONLY because there were people reading and I didn't wanna leave them hanging.

Okay so.

The omegaverse is a quite complicated world...

Let me elaborate it for you,

There are two genders. One being the male or female and the other being an 'alpha, beta or omega'. We all hope to end up as a 'beta' in order to be 'normal'. The reader's parents, friends and literally everyone she/he knows are a 'beta' but the reader, somehow, ended up being an 'omega'. The weakest. If you're a beta, you're allowed to continue your life as a normal human, with no big trouble or changes in it. But if you're unlucky (and not blessed enough) you end up being and alpha or an omega, though being an alpha would be cooler, rather than being an fragile omega. The gender everyone is craving. Your responsibilities double up and so do your troubles.

Now let me tell you a little bit about their roles:


They are larger, stronger and the most aggressive ones out of everyone. They are the dominant ones in bed and the ones with the biggest male organ. Female alphas are quite rare but they do exist and are different from the males. They have a very small chance of getting pregnant but can impregnate their mate. Male alphas give their omegas a better chance at breeding and are the ones who would fight over a wanted omega. Once they get their mate, they take care of them and protect them and make them feel save and loved.


They are the normal ones. They can breed normally with other betas but cannot breed with another omega. It's the typical way of living. Nothing different and nothing special.


They are the more softer and more gentle ones of them all. They are the nurturing parents who love and raise children. The females use their system normally when getting pregnant but the males go through a pre-heat where their body parts start to grow after their rectum is cleared and ready to breed. They are the smaller ones, who have less muscles and less strength. They are clingy around their mates and need their love and affection 24/7.


Here you need to have yourself checked before you turn 20. In case you ARE an omega, your scent starts to come out as soon as you hit that age and you have to do something about it before it's too late and dangerous for you. There are multiple ways of doing so. You can either get yourself a spray/parfume that is specialized to cover your own scent or a liquid cream that is also specialized for it. Both are effective and save to use.

And if you turn out to be an alpha, there is no need for you to cover your scent since it is their duty to present their second gender and find themselves a mate. Their mate can be a beta but most alphas prefer an omega since they match better, physically and mentally. Their scent is what keeps their omega close to them and together, they make the best couple.

Now you wanna know what scent I'm talking about?

Alphas and omegas release a scent only they can feel and smell. Betas also have a scent but it's not as strong as the alpha or omega one. Their scent can either lead to a strong bond or to dangerous mistakes. Once an alpha smells their mate, he chases after it until he finds his mate and they bond. And when an omega smells their mate, it turns weak and desperately waits for the alpha. Easy and simple. But not always.

Now, let's talk about the 'heat' and 'rut'...

Every month an omega goes into heat, which lasts for a week. They are at their weakest and release a stronger scent during their heat and have to stay in a safe zone in oder to prevent any kind of unwanted attention from an unknown alpha. In short: they are extremely horny and if an unknown alpha finds out, they might end up being raped (oops). There are also pills they can get from a doctor, in case their heat is too unbearable and they haven't found their mate yet.

Alphas only go into heat once in a year where they have to hide themselves as well, if they don't have a mate yet, because only then they are vulnerable and defenceless, in case a conflict erupts. And if an alpha has an omega as their mate, he goes into rut once the omega's heat comes. It's where he is more protective and aggressive. (Just be more careful around them)

Once an alpha mates with an omega, things get serious. They will have to spend their time together for as long as they can, even all day if possible, in order to be able to protect their omega and be there for her/him whenever they need to be. They have to give them much love and care so their bond grows stronger. Once they gained enough trust and love, the omega is ready to breed.

There is only one issue though, an issue that can turn things really dirty. Once an alpha spots an omega who's already been mated but still wants them to be their mate, the alpha is allowed to challenge the other alpha and they eventually fight over the omega. Who ever wins the fight, gets the omega.

Of course, there is a possibility for a beta to mate with an alpha or an omega but it is mostly refused to do so in order to have more betas, since alphas and omegas cause too much trouble. It's mostly common that if two betas mate, their child turns out to be a beta as well. But sometimes exceptions can happen and their child turns out to be and alpha or even worse, an omega.

I think that I could make many things clearer now...

Now the real story begins....




source and credit to:


I do not own Jungkook, BTS or any other character mentioned in this story. I do not associate with BigHit. All rights go to their rightful owner.


《 Note: 》

• Do not copy anything about me (plots, summary ideas, covers, etc.)

• No replies to the comments, besides rational questions (exceptions for sweet comments)

• Rude/hate comments will be deleted and blocked

• No more long stories, following works will own a short/simple plot

• Main plot of my stories include angst, horror, bloody graphic and major character death

Thank you.

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