Prologue [REWRITE]

Start from the beginning

People who passed would become one of the many stars in the sky. Dispelling the darkness from the skies across the entire world. He wondered what it was like to be a bright glowing ball in the sky. It was probably wonderful up there. Alas, he would never be able to make it up to the heavens. It was impossible for him because fate would not allow it.

Fate. The boy despised even the very thought of it. The way it toyed with people like they were nothing but items. They were expendable to it. It could always find new toys to play with until it got bored. It attached strings to everyone. Yes, he could see the strings that controlled people's every movements. They were puppets and they had no idea. He had no strings attached to him just as his father wasn't. They weren't bound by fate. No matter how tight the strings were, they could always break free with barely any effort.

Fate also allowed those who passed go to the heavens and even become part of the stars themselves. It just wasn't fair! Just because fate hadn't favored him didn't mean he shouldn't be allowed in the sky! And all because its strings couldn't be tied on him and be used as a puppet. Pathetic. Though, he wondered if the older man had thought about it too. Even a little. Impossible. He didn't give a damn whether he would end up with the stars or somewhere else for those who weren't bound to it.

Finally, the young boy had finally fallen asleep. Darkness took over his very consciousness. But before he was completely consumed by it, he saw a silhouette walk toward him. Right after that, his eyes fell shut and he had fallen asleep at last.

*Time skip*

The boy had woken up with a jolt. Sweat ran down his cheek and hung at his chin before dripping down to his clenched knuckle. He panted slightly before feeling eyes on him. He looked behind to see the bastard with his usual scowl. He returned it along with a glare. He turned back around and stood up. He went stiff as he made a realization. He woke up in his sleeping bag! But how? He remembered lying on the grass under the starry sky. How did he end up in it? Sighing, he merely assumed he was just sleep walking. Despite it happening before, he was shocked.

"Come on you piece of crap. Hurry it up already," the black haired man had his items already packed. He waited as his son had packed his belongings. After he was finished, they headed out of the cave and hiked from morning to noon. Many hours later, they made it to a mountain that had reached past the clouds.

"That's what you're climbing," he dumped his things onto the boy's items, the young male barely keeping his balance under his weight.

"I expect you to make it up Forever Mountain before sundown. I'll be waiting up there. Don't fuck up."

The boy clicked his tongue before climbing up the seemingly never ending mountain. This was Forever Mountain. People say that it never ended. Many haven't returned after reaching past the clouds. Not to mention, it was a task to get a quarter up it. He had heard many things about it and never really cared. But now he had to climb it himself and with the extra weight on his shoulders.

He swore under his breath before starting his journey up Forever Mountain.

*Time skip*

Right before sundown, the boy had made it up the endless mountain. He panted and sweated as he climbed on top of the edge before collapsing with the weight above him. He felt his back get significantly lighter before lying on it. He opened his eyes and watched his father empty his bag full of huge stones? That bastard! No wonder his crap was heavy as fuck! It was full of rocks! Of course he had to make things more difficult. That's how he always was.

The dark haired man clicked his tongue, "You made it right before sundown. Pitiful."

He folded his bag and put it in the boy's items. He then picked up his actual bag and slung it around his shoulders. How did that get there? Of course. He always planned ahead. Did he always have to insist on torturing him? Yes. Yes he did because that's what he does.

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